Dear DGE Yap Lip Kee and Fellow Leaders of D.3310,
Congratulations all of you to serve as district leaders of D.3310 during 2024-25!
It is a great honor and pleasure for me and my wife Corinna to attend The President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) and The District Training Assembly (DTA) of D.3310 in Johor Barhru during March 7-9, 2024. PETS and DTA provide a unique opportunity for you to learn and exchange views and information. You may learn something new and come up with new ideas. And you will share and enjoy the warm fellowship of Rotary friends and extend your friendships in the Rotary family.
2024-25 RI President Stephanie A. Urchick’s theme is “The Magic of Rotary”. You are taking your place as leaders in your district. It is your responsibility to lead your district and show the power of D.3310. The more Rotarians your district has, your district will become stronger. The more fundraising your district has, the more your district can serve the world. Your contributions will bring hope to the world through, and light up Rotary.
My wife Corinna and I wish you a successful PETS and DTA. May things always turn out the ways you expect, same for peace, love joy and happiness!
Sincerely Yours,
Gary C.K. Huang
RI President (2014-15)
TRF Chair (2019-20)