Dear Rotarians,

On 1st July 2012, you will receive directly the District e-bulletin on Rotary Information, if your club presidents submit your email address. Otherwise, you have to do self-registration in the District Website.

The District Rotary Information Committee (DRIC) takes trouble to provide Rotary knowledge and information in bites size on timely release so that more Rotarians are able to absorb and apply Rotary knowledge in serving humanity projects. Equipped with adequate knowledge, Rotarians would be empowered to serve mankind better via Rotary.

The essence of the Rotary This Month (RTM), the e-bulletin of Rotary Information for D3310 is feature articles on Rotary and internal PR write up on District activities based on submission:

Feature articles – Veteran Rotarians like PP Raymon Huang, PP Michael Yee, PP Selwyn McVean and Rtn Nidhi will contribute feature articles on Rotary monthly theme, Rotary ethics, Rotary knowledge and Rotary conversation respectively on monthly basis to RTM.

Internal PR — We need the platform of internal PR for 1,900 Rotarians in the District. Internal PR is strongly advocated by our beloved PDG Dr. Chin, and you could contribute your club news, club projects (pre, during and post), district news (good for District Chairs to use this free promotion) etc. All submissions will be grouped under Rotary Happenings, Rotary Diary and Rotary Humor. Three experienced Rotarians will be the section editors, namely PP Alex Eow for Rotary Happenings, PE Bobby Lim for Rotary Diary and PP Erich Schneider for Rotary Humor.

The e-broadcast to 1,900 Rotarians is a daunting task for D3310 and is the first attempt for D3310. This will be undertaken by Rtn Clarence Yong whose vocation is Web Technologist. If successful, the future communication mode for D3310 will be cost effectively disseminated to all Rotarians in the District. We utilize our vocation to serve Rotary; that is why Rotary is unique, special and different. You should also use the RTM to forward to your prospective members, friends, and business associates in your membership drive.

Last but not least, we need your feedback for every issue by clicking the button on Rotary Feedback; it will be sent to District Chair, DRIC for review and action.

I look forward to your active contribution to RTM, your District e-bulletin on Rotary Information.


PP Alex Eow
District Chair – Rotary Information 2012-13

Rotary This Month (RTM) is produced by District Rotary Information
Committee 2012-2013. For feedback, please send to