2011 RLI Kota Kinabalu
2012 RLI Kota Kinabalu
2013 RLI Kota Kinabalu

In Rotary year 2015-2016, with the encouragement and guidance from PDG Fong Hoe Beng
International RLI Vice Chair for South East Asia, a district RLI committee was formed.
PDG Philip Chong who was the District Governor then was the District RLI Chair. The first
District 3310 committee including Regional Chairs were:
Advisor: PDG Fong Hoe Beng
Chairman: PDG Philip Chong
Deputy Chairman: PP Iskandar Ahmad
Regional Chairs:
Sabah: PP Alice Kunjan
Sarawak & Brunei: PP Dr. John Chan
Johor & Malacca: PP Chang Yun Kent
Singapore: PP Brown Pereira
2014 RLI Kota Kinabalu
The District RLI committees have been actively promoting and conducting RLI training courses
in various regions of our district including Kota Kinabalu, Tawau, Kuching, Miri, Johor,
Malacca and Singapore. Over the years, we have done 27 seminars of RLI courses. The
attendance for each seminar was excellent and over 2,300 Rotarians have benefitted from the
training courses.
In addition to English RLI, we have also organised Mandarin RLI in collaboration with D3450
for Mandarin speaking clubs in our district. The first Mandarin RLI was conducted in Kuching in
2014 where PDG Peter Wan, the Chair of Rotary Leadership Institute, South China & Indonesia
Division was the Faculty Speaker. The Mandarin RLI continued in other regions including Kota
Kinabalu, Malacca (joint RLI D3310 & D3300). We have achieved a total attendance of about
350 Rotarians. Slowly but surely, we are making the Mandarin speaking clubs more vibrant and
knowledgeable through RLI training.