What is RLI?
The Rotary Leadership Institute was founded in 1992, some 30 years ago, by PRID David Linett, to assist in improving the Rotary knowledge and leadership skills of the future leaders of our Rotary clubs through a quality training and educational experience. To date, the RLI training program has spread to more than 400 Rotary International Districts in numerous countries over the six Continents because local clubs recognize the importance of training future leaders.
The Rotary Leadership Institute is an unofficial affiliate of Rotary International, but not an official program of RI nor under its control. Many Past RI Presidents are supporting the RLI program and has encouraged Rotary districts to participate the RLI program.
RLI Mission Statement
The mission of the Rotary Leadership Institute is to provide an up-to-date, practical, and userfriendly educational opportunity in convenient locations for Rotarians identified as potential leaders by their club officers. Courses are given to foster leadership skills and Rotary knowledge with the intent to motivate the participant to be enthusiastic, creative and dedicated Rotarians.
Why Do We Need a Leadership Institute?
Leadership skills in a voluntary organization are often different than business leadership skills. It is important that club leaders have every opportunity for Rotary general education because the success or failure of our clubs primarily depends on the quality of their club leaders. Membership growth is dependent on the quality of Rotary clubs, as clubs with good leadership are more likely to involve their members in exciting service activities and programs and, consequently, to retain their members and attract new ones.
The Institute offers a leadership course in three full day sessions (Parts I, II & III). Those completing each part are eligible for the next part. The courses are designed to provide Rotary knowledge and develop leadership skills for voluntary organisations.
What is the Philosophy of RLI?
RLI believes that having leadership skills does not alone assure good Rotary leadership. An effective Rotary leader must ALSO have Rotary knowledge, perspective about where Rotary has been, where it is now and a vision of what Rotary can be.
What are the Methods of Facilitating RLI?
Course sessions are structured with as much discussion/participation as possible. Methods also include discussion groups, role-playing and problem-solving. Class size is usually 12-18 participants. Lectures are strictly limited. An RLI course workbook is provided to each attendee.
Who are the faculty members?
The faculty members are carefully selected by the Institute for their teaching abilities. They are drawn from all areas of our district and occasionally from outside our district. Many are present and past district governors, assistant governors, successful past presidents who have previously attended the RLI Faculty Orientation course and with experience in special areas. Each new faculty member must attend an initial full day RLI faculty orientation training program and various periodic reorientation programs. The results of evaluations help the Institute to improve the course content and instruction.
Who Should Attend RLI?
Although any Rotarian may attend RLI courses, RLI recommends that clubs encourage Rotarians who have the potential for future club leadership, not necessarily just club presidents, to attend. The ideal candidate is early in their Rotary career and has a strong interest in Rotary and is prepared to be exposed to the larger world of Rotary outside of their club.
Rotary provides an opportunity for all of us to provide service to our community and around the world. The Rotary leadership Institute (RLI) has a mission to strengthen Rotary clubs through quality leadership education. As Rotarians, you are already a leader in your community and in your profession. The purpose of RLI is to give you the skills and competencies to be an effective leader in Rotary.
Rotarians new to Rotary and even those with many years of service will benefit from learning how we can create strong clubs with vibrant members who are engaged and committed to Service Above Self. Now more than ever, the world needs Rotarians to create a more peaceful and equitable world for all.
Building Better Rotarians & Rotaractors, one session at a time.
Leadership is critical for managing change. The Covid 19 pandemic has presented a challenge for leaders in every setting. RLI D3310 has faced the challenge and came out triumphant!
In conclusion, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the RLI Advisor PDG Fong Hoe Beng for his unwavering support and guidance, the hard-working RLI District Committees who have given their valuable time, talents and treasure (3Ts) to ensure success of the RLI
training program.
My special thanks and appreciation go to my good friends PDG Peter Wan and PDG Ade Cheng for their tremendous support and contribution for the joint district virtual RLI in both Mandarin and English where Rotarians from Hong Kong, Macao, Mongolia, Shanghai, Singapore, Brunei, Johor, Malacca, Sarawak and Sabah have participated successfully.
A big thank you to all the Faculty Speakers from D3450 and D3310 for their dedication and contribution to the success of the RLI training programs. Excuse me, I can’t name each and everyone here as the list of Faculty speakers is too long. Not forgetting to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all the Facilitators, Moderators and the Tech team members led by Rotarian William Sim & PP Kenneth Tan (double up as the program co-ordinator). Thank you too to Rotarian Adelina Adna who has given the initial training on using online platforms.
To all the participants, I thank you for your commitments and participation of the RLI training program.
Finally, I wish to thank you the Past District Governors in 2016-2017 onwards who have given me the trust to helm the District RLI committee for the past 6 years and am pleased to handover the Baton to my successor, PDG Rajamohan Munisamy beginning 1 July 2022. All the best to you, my good friend PDG Rajamohan in your RLI journey!!
Yours in Rotary
Philip Chong
Past District Governor
District 3310 RLI