Noting that Rotary club membership now includes community leaders, retired persons, and others not currently in businesses or professions, the Board amended RI’s Declaration of Rotarians in Businesses and Professions to now be a “Rotary Code of Conduct.”

To relate the Object of Rotary to corporate social responsibility practices, the Board adopted the following statement:

From its origins, Rotary has built a philosophy based upon integrity in businesses and professions. Rotary clubs and individual Rotarians are committed to Vocational Service and high ethical standards in all of their interactions. These are summed up in the Object of Rotary, our core values (Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity, Leadership), The Four-Way Test, and the Rotary Code of Conduct, carried out through our worldwide network of Rotary clubs and Rotarians.

For Rotary International, as a corporate entity, its social responsibility philosophy can be summed up by our commitment to transparency in governance, stewardship of financial resources and the environment, and fair labor practices.

District 3310 has now just completed 3 out of 4 District Vocational Service Seminars. The last two were  held over the weekend in Singapore and Muar. AG Chew Ban Seng shared on CSR with special reference to SMEs to those present.

Please click here to download the powerpoint which Rotarians can download and share with in Clubs, fellow Rotarians, colleagues and associates. The resources page links case studies on SMEs. Specifically, SMEs may like to review the “Awareness-raising questionnarie” to do a personal reflection of your business unit.