My Fellow Rotarians,

In the next few days, we are entering another Rotary Year 2011/2012. We all look forward to be leaders in our clubs, in our locality and in our District with renewed enthusiasm and energy to be of greater service to our communities.

In the last week or so we have a number of Installation Dinners and more are to come in the coming weeks. Kalimah and I wish to thank all those clubs who have invited us. We are glad that we are able to attend some of these events but regrettably have to decline many due to clashes of date with other invitations, or with my business trip to Europe. However, both Kalimah and I wish all of you a very successful and enjoyable installation. Do take a lot of photos and have them sent to the Editor for the DG’s Newsletter.

We look forward to meeting all of you during our club visits which are scheduled from September onwards. I shall contact all Assistant Governors soon to finalise the dates of the visits.

In my Installation Speech at the recent District Assembly in Johor Bahru, I mentioned about the priorities and goals identified within the R.I. Strategic Plan: strengthen clubs, increase humanitarian service, and enhance public image.

I am placing a lot of emphasis on strengthening clubs in our District particularly those clubs whose current membership is less than 20. Let us all work towards zero club with less than 20 by June 2012. This is not impossible if every member in the club brings in his or her friend. There are many out there who are waiting to be invited.

At this juncture, I urge all of you to encourage as many of your members to attend the Membership Seminars scheduled to be in your respective areas in August and September. The organizer has drawn up interesting programs and invited good speakers for these seminars. This is an excellent opportunity to introduce potential members to Rotary and to Rotarians.

With regards to increasing humanitarian service, I urge all clubs to apply for the Matching Grant. I know many clubs are discouraged from applying Matching Grant because of the tedious rules & conditions and the many forms to fill. Over the recent years R.I. has simplified the whole process and is now much easier to apply. If need be, do contact your respective Assistant Governor or the District Chair PP Leong Chee Woh for assistance. There are funds available and there are many in our communities in dire need of it. Please do give it a try.

When we talk about public image and how to enhance Rotary Public Image, there is so much that we can do. But for this time I wish to share my concern as how we, Rotarians behave ourselves in official functions, our own function such as in our welcome dinner and banquet. It is sad to see how a small section of us behaved disrespectfully, especially when speeches are being made in the presence of our spouses, children and even potential members. This is a subject many are reluctant to speak about. As your District Governor, as Assistant Governors and as Presidents of clubs, let us together address this issue head on otherwise our image will be ruined forever.

In the last week or so, I have attended several installation dinners and have met up with several young new Rotarians who have just joined us over a year or so. I am indeed very pleased and happy to see them. These are the future faces of Rotary. I told them to enjoy Rotary.

I wish to congratulate DG Dr. Abraham and his team of dedicated Rotarians for their outstanding achievements for the Rotary Year 2010/11. You all have made the difference to the lives of many who have benefited from those achievements.

Until we meet again, my best wishes to all of you as we enter the beginning of a new Rotary Year 2011 / 12. Feel free to contact me or Kalimah on e-mail and Facebook at and or follow me on tweeter at ZainieAA.

I look forward with you to a year of great Rotary success, in which we will “Reach Within to Embrace Humanity”

Kind Regards,