World Pangolin Day 2022

Did you know that Pangolins have become the WORLD’S MOST TRAFFICKED MAMMALS?

These gentle and shy animals who are a victim of wildlife animal abuse have a critical ecological role to play in our environment. They provide the earth with all-natural pest control and are fantastic tenders of soil, and they do these things simply through their everyday behaviors.

It is estimated that a single pangolin consumes as many as 70 million insects per year, mainly ants and termites.

However, due a steep decline in their population due to illegal trafficking in the past few years, they have been declared an endangered species. If pangolins go extinct, there would be a cascading impact on the environment.

If you are curious about these toothless, solitary and nocturnal creatures, their contribution in maintaining an ecological balance and how they impact life on earth, then join us at an event dedicated to the Pangolins!!

We will showcase a short film, have a talk by Ms. Anbarasi (from ACRES who are the most active organization involved in wildlife rescuing in the entire region) followed by a QnA session.


Feb 19 2022


10:30 am