
Visit of Members of Rotaract Club of Singapore

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Club Name: Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu
Project/Event Date: 16 Jul, 17
Project/Event Time: 10 AM on 16 July to 3 PM on 21 July
Venue/ Location: SMK Sepulut and SK Lotong, Nabawan, Sabah.
Submitted by: President Dr Ravi Mandalam of Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu (hamsaravi@hotmail.com)


Project Sepulot 2017 by International Service of Rotaract Club of Singapore   Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu played a facilitating role to a group of 19 members of the Rotaract Club of Singapore. The group visited and stayed at SMK Sepulot,Nabawan, Sabah on 16-22 July, 2017.  

The Rotaractors conducted the following activities:  

  1. Basic health screening for the school children

  2. Home visits to nearby villages to conduct basic health screening and provide advice on healthy living

  3. Women health education program for Secondary School female students

  4. English classes for secondary and primary school students

During their stay they also assisted the Dental Team that carried out the Dental Outreach at SMK Sepulot on 16 July. On their return jto Kota Kinabalu the Rotaract Club members also visited the KK Jazz Festival 2017 and the Sunday Market (Tamu) at Gaya Street.

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