Tuesday, 19 February 2019
It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Assistant Governor (2018-19) PP Steven Teng Tin How on 15 Feb 2019. Steven was inducted as a member of RCRC in Feb 2001. He was sponsored by the late Sng Boh Khim. Steven was the 30th Club President of RCRC (2009-2010). He was very much a feature in many club events, especially in our golf fellowships and our club assemblies. His humour and his warm personality connected with many members of the Club. Steven’s commitment in Rotary extended beyond RCRC. He held a number of District 3310 position at different times and currently is an Assistant District Governor. Steven loved Rotary. In Rotary he developed many friends both in RCRC, the District and beyond. He will be very much missed, but always remembered.
Our deepest condolences to his widow, Alice, his family and his loved ones.