
Message from First Lady – July 2017

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

I was pleasantly surprised when my hubby told me one evening after he came back from his club meeting that he was thinking of requesting his club to nominate him as a District Governor.

I immediately asked him “are you sure you are prepared to make all the sacrifices to be a DG”. He answered “yes”. Then I gave him an encouraging reply by saying “I am with you all the way” if you are elected.

At that time both of us were already very involved in the organising of the first ever 2014 Kota Kinabalu Rotary Institute. His election as DG was only confirmed a day after the completion of the Rotary Institute on the 24th November 2014. So the preparation of my role as a DG spouse started right away. In this preparation I was fortunate to have followed my husband to many District and International Rotary events where I met many Rotary spouses as well as Rotarians who have become family friends. Through this I gained more confidence and knowledge of the Rotary organization and what are things Rotarians are expected to do in living up to our motto “service above self”.

As a spouse of a Rotary District Governor, besides looking after his health and needs like packing baggage, travel items, etc., I will play the spouse role by accompanying him in his visits to Rotary clubs, attend District Rotary events, to meet up with other Rotary spouses in the District and to encourage them to support their husbands in their club’s activities such as service projects, fellowship events and other Rotary activities.

As our children and grand children are all residing overseas, I have more free time available which I am prepared to set aside for Rotary work although by actively participating in Rotary activities I will miss my regular visits to them during this Rotary year.

I am looking forward to meeting Rotarians and their charming spouses throughout the year to renew our friendship and make new acquaintances.

Like my hubby, I look forward to your support and in working together with all of you in Making a Difference to the various communities that we serve.

Datuk Naomi Chong

District 3310 First Lady 2017-18