
Message from District Governor Henry Tan for The Month of February 2019

Monday, 4 February 2019

February 2019 is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month. The world continues to be plagued by conflicts. In the past year alone, violence and conflicts have displaced 68 million people. I am pleased to inform you that the Rotary movement has been tackling this problem in various ways. Here are some examples.

Rotary members founded the People for People Foundation, which has helped 10,000 families afford food, clothing, rent, utilities, medications, and other necessities. Such efforts have helped to improve their quality of life. Rotaract clubs raise awareness of bullying in the Philippines by conducting anti-bullying campaigns in schools. Local Rotary members in Louisiana, USA, help protect domestic violence survivors and their families by providing shelter, food, clothing, legal advocacy, and counselling to over 500 women in one year. The Rotary movement has partnered with the Institute for Economics and Peace, an independent think tank and leader in the study of peace and conflict, to help tackle the root causes of conflict and to provide conditions that foster peace. Through our Youth Exchange programs we help to bridge cultures and promote understanding.

It is worthy to note that 100 peace fellowships are offered each year at Rotary Peace Centers around the world; $142 million has been raised by Rotary to support peace and 1,000 students have graduated from Rotary’s Peace Centers program.

In District 3310 Rotarians from Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore continue to work on joint-projects to help their communities. Despite the diverse cultures, religions and ethnic grouping in our district we Rotarians are able to come together not only for service projects but also to organise and to take part in District Assemblies and Conferences. Let our harmony bring inspiration to others in the world.

The date 23rd of Feb 2019 has been designated Rotary Day. This will be a special day, as we will be streaming live on our various events taking place in the region on that day. I encourage all clubs in our District to take part in this event. Better still, clubs in nearby areas can come together to hold a joint-celebration. Invite leaders and representatives from your community so that they can understand more about Rotary.

February 2019 is also Lunar New Year month. I wish all of you a happy and prosperous Lunar New Year. I urge the Chinese Rotarians to invite their non-Chinese members to join in the celebration.

In closing, I would like to encourage all Rotarians to attend the coming PETS/District Assembly in Johor as well as the District Conference in Penang. Fore more details, you can click on the following links:- http://www.rotarydistrict3310.com/29di/ http://www.rotarydistrict3310.com/28discon/

With best wishes,
Henry Tan Kok Hiang
District 3310 District Governor