
Message from DG Rajamohan (September 2020)

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

September District Governor’s Message

Dear fellow Rotarians and Rotaractors,

I trust that you have had a successful Membership and New Club Development month and that clubs have found a way to reach out to their members. 

Efforts to attract new members and retain current members do not end with the Membership Month. We must continue our efforts throughout the year. I am pleased to report that our district membership is at 2131 – A net increase of 57 members. This healthy increase was mainly due to RC Batu Pahat’s admission of 25 Rotaractors as Rotarians in their membership.

In the last two months, many District Committee chairs were in action; planning and conducting trainings, seminars, forums, committee meetings and district events. I was in attendance at the following events:

In July: Engaging Muslims in Rotary Fellowships forum, District Rotaract Conference, District Team Training Seminar, District Disaster Management committee meeting, Disaster Relief Fund raising virtual concert, Leadership Interact Training camp, Region 12 Rotary Foundation Training Seminar, Singapore Joint Presidents meeting, Nurses Day, Regional Public Image training for club Presidents and Public Image chair.

In August, Group 13 and 14 Club Financial Management Best Practices Seminar, Vibrant club Seminar and Step Up to End Polio flag off and two Elevate Rotaract Task Force meetings.

I am happy to share that the official DG visits started with Rotary Club of Kuching virtually on 20 July and have since covered 19 clubs up to 31 August. The DG visits were scheduled to cover clubs in Sabah, Sarawak, and Brunei. I have 8 more clubs to complete in those regions.

I have gained a better understanding of how clubs operate, engage the public, and witnessed the execution of impactful community projects and goals achieved for Rotary foundation. It warms my heart to see how Rotary is making a huge impact to the community in D3310 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

I look forward to more club visits in the coming months and to more great work put in by inspiring Rotarians. I will be visiting clubs in Johor/Melaka from 2 September onwards.

The month of September in the Rotary calendar year is the Basic Education and Literacy Month. There are 775 million people over the age of 15 who are illiterate around the world. The former UN Secretary General, Kofi Anan once said, “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope”. Clearly there are many literacy bridges to be built and I hope Rotarians would do your utmost with Education and Literacy programs to benefit children and adults in your community and beyond. 

Fellow Rotarians and Rotaractors, keep up with the good work done so far. On this note, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all Assistant Governors and District Leaders for their assistance rendered during this challenging period.

Let’s keep going for our community and for ourselves.

Yours in Rotary,

Rajamohan Munisamy

District Governor RID 3310, RY 2020/21