Monday, 23 April 2018
Club Name: Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu
Project/Event Date: 8 April, 18
Project/Event Time: 10 AM to 3 PM
Venue/ Location: Ground Floor Atrium of Suria Sabah Shopping Mall
Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu organizes every year, the International Understanding Day, also known popularly as IU Bazaar – a youth carnival in which our six Interact Clubs from namely, SM All Saints, SM St Francis, SM La Salle, SM Lok Yuk, SMK Maktab Sabah and SMK Sepulot participate by picking one nation each to show case their art, architecture, dances, ethnic costumes, cuisine and culture by displaying decorated booths, selling food items, performing dances and parading in costumes. This year, in addition to these six Clubs, three more Interact Clubs under other Rotary Clubs also participated, namely, Interact Clubs of KK High School, Stella Maris and Perempuan Likas. Nine countries were showcased – Italy, Russia, Spain, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Greece, Indonesia, Hungary and Malaysia. The performances were marked by intense preparation, high standards and quality and keen competitive spirit. The event was staged at the Ground Floor Atrium of Suria Sabah Shopping Mall and was witnessed by a record audience filling the atrium as well as the balconies on the first and second floors. President Ravi of Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu gave the welcome speech. Youth Service Director Rotarian Cheong Kok Ann was the Organizing Chairman. The winners were SM St Francis (1
st Prize), SM Stella Maris (2
nd Prize) and SM Lok Yuk (3
rd Prize). Interact Club of SMK Sepulot, the first rural Interact Club in Sabah put up a very creditable maiden performance.
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