
Interact Clubs Leadership Training Seminar

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Club Name: Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu
Project/Event Date: 3 March, 18
Project/Event Time: 8 am to 12 noon
Venue/ Location: Sabah Credit Corporation
Submitted by: President Dr Ravi Mandalam of Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu (hamsaravi@hotmail.com)

Overview: The Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu conducted the annual Youth Leadership Training Program for seven Interact Clubs from the schools – St Francis, All Saints, Lok Yuk, Maktab Sabah, La Salle, Stella Maris, KK High School and SMK Perempuan, all in Kota Kinabalu, on Saturday 3 Mar 2018. There were fifty five participants. The event was held at the auditorium of the Sabah Credit Corporation and inaugurated by President Dr Ravi. Talks were given by Past President Datuk Vincent Pung (CEO of Sabah Credit Corporation), Rotarians Fia Iskandar (roles of President and Vice President), Daniel Wong (role of Secretary), Kevin Padasian (role of Treasurer) and Past President Frankie Fu (branding of Interact Clubs). The seminar was followed by a lively Q&A session. Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu expresses its deep appreciation to Sabah Credit Corporation for providing the venue and hosting the lunch following the event.

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