
EPN Family Day

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Club Name: Rotary Club of Kulai
Project/Event Date: 21 Oct, 17
Project/Event Time: 17:00pm/ 21:00pm
Venue/ Location: Lee Rubber Estate, Senai. Kulai
Submitted by: James Te-President of Rotary Club of Kulai (James_te2002@yahoo.co.uk)

Overview: In order to improve the awareness of eradicating polio..the Rotary Club of Kulai has organised a End Polio Now Family Day and Walk successfully on last Saturday evening..this program has attracted good response from the Kulai community, where the elders and kids came together for this walk.. The Organising Chair Mr Ho JY revealed that the Polio cases has been greatly eradicated in worldwide..we are 99% done..while in Malaysia we have 0 New Polio case reported.. Ms Dolly Yeap- Chair, District Rotary Foundation PolioPlus Committee, today program does not only get involvement by Rotarians but also attracted many Kulai public members, which is essential for them to know more about Rotary movements.

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