

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Club Name: Rotary Club of District 3310
Project/Event Date: 13 Jan, 2018
Venue/ Location: Kluang Station
Submitted by: Saravanan Krishna (krishna_saravanan@yahoo.co.uk)


The Pride of Workmanship Award

Vocational Service is the essence of Rotary. It is at the heart of the Rotary movement. In fact, Rotary was started by the meeting of individuals from different vocations. This differentiates us from other service organisations. Rotary continues to draw members from different professions, institutions and businesses.

February 2018 is Vocational Service Month. With this in mind, the Pride of Workmanship Award project was initiated earlier which culminated in the presentation of the award in Feb 2018 to deserving staff of KTM Bhd (Keretaapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) or KTMB for short. As a D3310 Vocational Service Director I am pleased and honoured to share this project with our fellow Rotarians.

The campaign for the award took off across the nation of Malaysia on 6th January, 2018 with the launch at 4 hubs namely Butterworth, Kuala Lumpur Station, Wakaf Bahru and Kluang. District 3300 organised the launch. The Kuala Lumpur Station launch was officiated by Transport Minister YB Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai. In connection with this event a 5-minute ROTARY video was screened on ETS trains in the month of January with the kind courtesy of KTMB and this video emphasises to the public the essential need of contributing back to Society. A press release was also given.



District 3300 initiated the project and invited District 3310 to take part. In short, the KTM project is really a club project being coordinated by the joint district of 3300 and 3310 for the benefit of the participating Rotary Clubs in the 2 districts. In the planning process, District 3300 Vocational Service Committee and I worked together diligently and meticulously to iron out various issues so as to make it smooth and easy for clubs to take part.

Why was KTMB selected as partner for the project?

The project is to promote Vocational Service, to encourage pride in workmanship in all vocations, to encourage to adopt an enlightened approach to recognising deserving employees, to promote amicable employer-employee relationship and to share an individual’s achievement at the community level and to enable Rotary to be actively involved in the community especially by working with businesses and institutions. By partnering with KTMB which is a large employer and having visible presence across the nation, we are in a better placed position to achieve our goals.

How was the award selected and what kind of publicity was carried out?

  • Each clubs in both District were empowered to propose the name of one railway employee for the Pride of Workmanship Award. There are a total of about 60 names for various categories. The Committee in turn will delegate the names to the Clubs involved.
  • The Pride of Workmanship Award Certificate is proudly designed by District.This is a prestigious award from a well-known international organisation. To lend credence to this, each certificate bears the name of the respective Club and the Club President’s signature together with the respective District Governor’s signature. Each recognised individual will have his/her own certificate which is framed and handed over to Clubs.
  • KTM gave approval for the Rotary 4-Way Test plaque (measuring 5 feet by 4 feet) to be displayed in every KTM station in Malaysia after a period of discussion-cum-explanation by us and deliberation by their senior management. Each of this plaque is made individually with the respective Club’s name and Facebook page or Web address engaved on the plaque. These plaques are in turn delivered to all the selected stations by KTMB.
  • The publicity exercise was achieved with low costs as KTMB DID NOT CHARGE us any rental to display the plaques. As a comparison the rental for one year in prominent locations could
  • amount to RM15,000. Our Clubs DO NOT have to pay such an amount.
  • Distribution of Flyers. Flyers were given earlier last month to the public and ETS trains (with a flyer or in the seat pockets of the trains). Each club were given 100 flyers.These were designed by District for uniformity but with a space for Clubs to insert their Club details.


Costs of plaque

With the display of plaque being free of charge, we only need to pay for the plaque which is relatively low.

Pride of Workmanship framed Certificate and100 flyers: MYR600

Cash award to each recipient (uniform throughout the Districts) MYR500

Total MYR 1,100

District Governor Datuk Lee approved a budget of RM5K for the video and flyers creation.


Participating Clubs

The clubs from RID 3310 who participated were:-

  1. RC Muar- Gemas Station
  2. RC Kulai- Kulai Station
  3. RC Kluang –Kluang Station
  4. RC Segamat-Segamat Station
  5. RC Puteri Lagoon – JB Central Station
  6. RC Pasir Gudang- RC Kempas Baru Station
  7. RC Batu Pahat- Renggam Station
  8. RC Tangkak Ledang – Labis Station



The Four-Way Test today still stands as one of Rotary’s distinguishing characteristics. It can be considered as one of the most famous statements made in our life time. Through this event, Rotary members in Malaysia are able to share this profound mantra proudly with KTM Berhad.

The Four-Way Test is the credo that we all Rotarians believe and practise. So I am happy to announce that we have installed 104 of this 4-Way Test plaques in 101 railway stations nationwide. When the public across the nation see the plaques they will be remindedthat moral standard and integrity are important. The PRIDE OF WORKMANSHIP AWARD is built upon this principle. It is on this principle the Rotary Clubs in Malaysia presented 66 staff of KTM Berhad with the PRIDE OF WORKMANSHIP AWARD which comes with a cash incentive of MYR500 each. These awardees deserve our applause and we proudly share their achievements with all Rotarians.

I like to sincerely express my sincere appreciation to all Rotarians and participating clubs who took up this project and contributed to its success.

Submitted by:Saravanan Krishna
RI District 3310 Vocational Service Director
Rotary Club of Muar

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