

Monday, 28 August 2017

Club Name: Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu
Project/Event Date: 14 Aug, 17
Project/Event Time: 6.30 PM
Venue/ Location: Hyatt Regency Kinabalu
Submitted by: President Dr Ravi Mandalam of Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu (hamsaravi@hotmail.com)

Overview: Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu celebrated its first Spouses Night for 2017-18 on Monday 14 Aug 2017 at The Residence, Hyatt Kinabalu. Spouses of fifteen Rotarians attended the fellowship night which featured the regular weekly club meeting followed by a sumptuous dinner. Special guests on the occasion included Mr Yap Ling, founder of the Jesselton Philharmonic Orchestra, Dr & Mrs Zaigam Chaudhary and Dr & Mrs Fayyaz Ahmad, both expatriate doctors from Pakistan working in Ministry of Health, Sabah. President Dr Ravi, the first single (widower since he lost his wife 13 years ago) President of RCKK was grateful to the Rotarian spouses for their support in large numbers and expresses for continued support from them throughout his tenure (Picture). President Ravi presented a cheque of RM1500 as appreciation to Mr Yap Ling for the performance by the JPO Quartet during the Installation Night on July 1. This fourteenth of August being the 70th Independence Day of Pakistan, President Ravi asked members to raise a toast to Pakistan and requested Dr Zaigham to give a short address to the Club members.

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