Dear fellow Rotarians and Rotaractors,
It is hard to believe it is November and we are into the fifth month of this Rotary Year. I trust in this pandemic period there have been several challenges, but I believe you have weathered the storm with innovative solutions to continue to serve our communities and beyond. One example is the many COVID-related response projects that are being undertaken by clubs. There is no stopping in our District to continue to help our communities and finding alternative means to carry out projects, including Global Grant projects.
As for the District Committees, they have been vibrant in conducting trainings, seminars, competitions, fund raising and other activities. Some District Committees such as the Rotary Youth Exchange and RYLA are working behind the scenes planning for virtual activities. The District Secretary and Assistant Governors have also been very busy coordinating and facilitating the last 46 DG official club visits.
November is personally my favourite month because it is Foundation month in the Rotary calendar.
The November theme is designed to remind us of the importance of Rotarians’ support of our Foundation. When you give to The Rotary Foundation, you are directly supporting Rotary’s work. Your gift makes our service projects — projects that eradicate polio, promote peace, and develop communities — happen. Your generosity supports our focus in 6 areas up to this year and from the next Rotary year onwards, the 7th area of focus supporting environment will be added to the Global Grant program. A very generous contribution to our Rotary Foundation is an excellent way for Rotarians to Serve Humanity!
My philosophy is that contributing to our Foundation should be a viable choice based on knowledge and appreciation for what it accomplishes, and not an obligation. Our Foundation is the lifeblood of all that we do and yet there are so many hearts we have yet to grab in our District.
Millions of dollars each year flow from our Foundation to our clubs and back to our communities. This year alone we have allocated close to US$320,000 in District Designated Fund to the clubs in our District for community and international projects.
This is the only foundation that gives back as much as you give. TRF empowers the Districts, Clubs and Rotarians to drive their own projects of their choice locally and Internationally. You can be assured that your contributions are also properly stewarded as Rotary Funds are monitored in many different levels. Funds are overseen by Rotarians, Clubs, Districts and Rotary Staff.
Another upcoming milestone is the World Interact Week from 2 to 8 November which reminds us of our future – the future of community service and the need to involve our young people in making our world a better place. There is also Rotary Day at the United Nations, which reminds us of the contribution of Rotary to World Understanding and Peace, that there are better ways to solve problems than by taking up arms. November is a month of reflection, remembrance, and perhaps the best time to consider where we are and where we are going – as people, as Rotarians and Rotaractors, and as nations.
Wising everyone a great November – as we strive to “Increase our Impact” as Rotarians and as individuals, let us keep in mind that “Rotary Opens Opportunities”.
Yours in Rotary,
Rajamohan Munisamy
District Governor 2020-2021