Tuesday, 1 October 2019
Dear Fellow Rotarians,September came and went swiftly. It had been a month of back to back Club visits infused with some wonderful fellowship with Rotarians for both my wife and I. I had covered 15 club visits and 5 club installations in the month of September. In the course of my journey, I am very priviledged to meet many Club Presidents and their Club members and understand their clubs’ challenges and Rotary cultures. I must emphasize that we shall not set our own barrier in members recruitment. We need to change our Rotary leadership culture in order to attract the younger generation and community minded peoples, otherwise we will diminish and disappear eventually.
The month of October is designated to one of the areas of focus: ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT which includes, International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on the 17th and World Polio Day on the 24th of October.
Rotary International encourages us to implement the following:
- Develop Micro Credit system
- Organise Awareness Seminar on Self-Employment at Colleges/Universities
- Organise Trade Exhibitions
- Organise Buyers-Sellers meet
- Take up Entrepreneurship Development Program
- Organise Consumer Forum, a Public Meeting
We have two major events this month in D3310 namely:
- District Rotary Foundation Dinner: A night with Rotary Trustee Chair Gary Huang on 8th October which will be held in Marriot Tang Hotel, Singapore;
- 9th Seeing Eye to Eye conference (Joint District conference D3300 & D3310) – Preventing Blindness in ASEAN and Beyond: A Sarawak initiative on 19th October, hosted by Rotary Club of Kuching. I urge the Rotarians to strongly support the fund-raising dinner and especially those from Sarawak to attend and support this meaningful conference.
Last but not the least, for our Mandarin speaking Rotarians, please do support the 2nd Rotary Mandarin Club Development Conference hosted by Rotary Club of Pontian at KSL Hotel, Johor Bahru from 4th to 6th October.
Jeff YongD3310 District Governor 2019-20