Reference is made to a report published on 24th May 2012 in the Straits Times and Lianhe Zaobao newspapers in Singapore concerning Mr. Tapan Rao’s statement that the Rotary Club of Singapore will contribute one hundred
thousand dollars ($100,000) towards the upgrading of toilets in the Hougang Constitutency.

While the gesture by Mr. Rao is commendable, the timing is unfortunate.

Such a gesture could possibly be misconstrued that Rotary is involved in the by-election process in support of Desmond Choo, the PAP candidate.

We wish to state categorically that the Rotary movement has no political or religious affiliations. We are a world-wide organisation of 34000 clubs and 1.2 million members devoted to the service of mankind in serving the needy whatever their political beliefs and religious affiliations. In fact our constitution specifically prohibits members from taking part in any political activity in the name of their Rotary Clubs.

There are twenty-two Rotary Clubs in Singapore. Each club is autonomous. Mr. Tapan Rao is the current president of the Rotary Club of Singapore. I am certain the Rotary Club of Singapore and Mr. Tapan Rao will continue to
support the needy people of Hougang Constituency whichever party won the by-election.

David Tong How Heng
Chairman of the Council of Governors, District 3310
Chairman of the Foundation of Rotary Clubs (Singapore) Ltd

Newspaper Clip 1

Newspaper Clip 2

Letter To The Editor