Governor’s Letters
From The Desk Of The District Governor 3/2011-12
From The Desk Of The District Governor 2/2011-12
From The Desk Of The District Governor 1/2011-12
We all look forward to be leaders in our clubs, in our locality and in our District with renewed enthusiasm and energy to be of greater service to our communities.
DG Bulletin Mar-Apr 2009
Literacy is one of the emphases of RI. It is said to ‘break the cycle of poverty’. With a literate population, there would be better understanding of health and hygiene, the need for clean water and sanitation, and the knowledge to overcome hunger and achieve a better quality of life.
District Governor Newsletter June 2009
June also happens to be a month when quite a number of
Rotary clubs are preparing for their installation and handing
over of duties.
District Governor Newsletter May 2009
FATHER TIME is catching up on us fast! Just felt like only yesterday that we had our District Assembly
in Kota Kinabalu; and there it was again, last month in Melaka, except this time, I had the honour of
passing on the ‘heavy chain of office and responsibility’ to my successor, incoming District Governor, Datuk Hj. Latip Saruggi, from Rotary Club of Kota Melaka.
District Governor Newsletter April 2009
Excerpts : April is Magazine Month. So much can come out of a magazine. Yet, we sometimes squander the opportunity to make good of this important facility.
July 2008 Issue #1
Rotary’s emphasis for this year will still be on water, literacy, health and hunger. Polio eradication will remain the top priority. This is most appropriate as polio usually strikes young children. Make Dreams Real for the children that none will ever fall victim of this dreaded disease. Let’s not forget the USD100 million challenge!