Author Archives: admin


NOTICE is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on 30th April 2016 (Saturday) at 3.30 pm at The Empress Hotel, Chiangmai, Thailand.

Invitation for RYLA KINBALU 2016

Letter of Consent & Release Registration Form

DG Message for March, 2016

Dear Fellow Rotarians, We have crossed our half year of “Be a gift to the World” in the term 2015-2016. Our Mid Term Review meetings in Johor Bahru, Muar, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak have highlighted so many achievements that we …

District Vice Governor

Dear All: Shortly after the 2015-16 District Nominating Committee (DNC) made a decision on the selection of IPDG Hj Andre Suharto as our district’s 2016-17 Vice-Governor, which was promptly announced by DG Philip Chong, some Rotarians though a minority, expressed …

Club Officers Kit

Dear Rotarians, For the PETS and DISTAS, if you wish to download the club officers’ kit, go to the DOCUMENT CENTRE on RI website at: Thank you. Sincerely, Dr Ho

Preparation for Grants Seminar at DISTAS 2016

Dear President-Elects 1. Please accept my congratulations on your appointment as Incoming Presidents of your respective Clubs in District 3310. I look forward to working with you closely as far as the Rotary Foundation and its objectives are concerned. 2. …

Vice-Governor 2016-17: Haji Andre Suharto

Dear Fellow Rotarians, The District Nominating Committee has deliberated and nominated our IPDG Haji Andre Suharto to be the D3310 Vice Governor for the term 2016-2017. This is in accordance with the Bylaws of Rotary International, Article 6 (page 141 …

PETS & DISTAS 2016 final and spouse programmes

Dear Rotarians, Please find the final version of the program for PETS & DISTAS to be held at KSL Hotel & Resort, Johor Bahru next week starting from: 1. PETS: 1pm on 17 March till 18 March 5.55pm 2. DISTAS: …

End Polio Cycling Event in Johor

Dear Rotarians, We have a very exciting charity event in the district to raise at least USD300,000 to help END PLOIO NOW. DG Philip Chong invites all Rotarians and clubs to join hands in a concerted effort to make it …

PLEASE REGISTER FOR District 3310 Conference 2016

Dear AGs, PDGs, District Chairs & Officers, Club Presidents & Officers & Fellow Rotarians, Gong Xi Fa Cai! I believe you all had a wonderful time celebrating the Lunar New Year with your families and friends. In District 3310, our …