Author Archives: admin

From the Desk of the District Governor 12/2011-12

We have completed our planned road shows of Membership Development and Retention with overwhelming success, and about to initiate the phase two of the program with local support and organizing to help the weak and sick clubs and also mentoring the new inducted members particularly from the weak clubs. By intensifying our activities of phase two by each region we will have better chance of reaching our 2,000 members target.

Day 7-Saturday, 12 November 2011 & Day 8 – Sunday, 13 November 2011:

Dear Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, Families and Friends of Rotary, Greetings from the Trans-Sabah Walk N Climb Team.  Here comes our next report. AG Erich is still at the Fairy Garden Resort in Kundasang and PP Sylvester has returned to Kuching.  …

Day 6 – Friday, 11 November 2011 07:40: Rtn. Charles nearly at the end of todays walk – only 1 km to go!

00.00: Breakfast at Cottages 00:30:  Drive back with support vehicles to yesterday’s finishing point at the bridge over Sungai Liwagu at Tampias. 01:00: Start walking to Sabah Tea Gardens.  The first stretch follows the Sungai Liwagu, then it starts to …

Day 5 – Thursday, 10 November 2011

Dear Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, Families and Friends of Rotary, Greetings from the Trans-Sabah Walk N Climb Team.  Here comes our next report.  We are now at the Fairy Garden Resort in Kundasang, a few km away from the Mount Kinabalu …

Day 4 – Wednesday, 9 November 2011

After the first night in the JS Resort, our City Hotel was luxury.  The Chinese Restaurant Owner across the street gave us much support.  He and his coffee shop  attendants did overtime for us to serve us breakfast at 1:00am. …

End Polio Trans-Sabah Walk & Climb – Day 3

Day 3 – Tuesday, 8 November 2011 Dear Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, Families and Friends of Rotary, Greetings from the Trans-Sabah Walk N Climb Team.  As promised, here is the continuation of our daily reports.  We apologise for the delay, which …

End Polio Trans-Sabah Walk & Climb – Day 2

Day 2 – 7 November 2011: Sandakan to Checkpoint Mile 32 (JS Resort) 01:30: Flag-off by Guest of Honour YB Datuk Liew Vui Keong, Deputy Minister in the PM’s Department, DG Hj Zainie Abdul Aucasa and First Lady Kalimah. 03:00:  …

End Polio Trans-Sabah Walk & Climb-Event Logs

Dear Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, Families and Friends of Rotary, Greetings from the Trans-Sabah Walk N Climb Team.  After our second day of walking, we arrived in Telupid .   We intend to send you regular daily logs to keep you informed …

From the Desk of the District Governor 11/2011-12

The UN – Rotary Day was celebrated for the first time in Rotary District 3310 in collaboration with the United Nations Association of Singapore (UNAS) on the 5 November 2011 followed by a very elegant banquet event attended by about 150 guests from both the diplomatic communities based in Singapore and Rotarians.

From the Desk of the District Governor 10/2011-12

THE 21ST DISTRICT CONFERENCE 18-20 November is just about 15 days away and I am proud to mention the final preparation for this event is well underway by the hardworking committee comprising of 7 Rotary Clubs namely RC Kota Kinabalu, RC Likas Bay, RC Kota Kinabalu South, RC Luyang, RC Tanjung Aru, RC Kinabalu Sutera and RC Penampang.