Author Archives: admin

UN-Rotary Day in District 3310

A brief history on UN and Rotary Reason for UN Rotary Day Rotary day at the United Nations

From the Desk of the District Governor 13/2011-12

We just had a fantastic District Conference here in Kota Kinabalu attended by about 282 participants including 53 spouses. The occasion was made more meaningful with the presence of the RI President’s Special Representative PRID Dr Kenneth Collins and his charming spouse Past President Diane Collins who came all the way from Perth, Australia.

25th Pan Borneo Inter-Club Meet

25th PAN BORNEO Inter Club Meet – Give Life A Hand Download Materials Pan Borneo Inter-Club Meet registration forms (MS Word Version , PDF Version) Accommodation registration form (MS Word Version) Tentative programme for the event Invitation to participate in …

21st District Conference

District Conference Welcome Letter Brochure Conference Programme & Registration Fees Conference Registration & Hotel Booking Form Spouse Program 2011 RI District 3310 Conference Materials (all documents combined in 1 file) List of Registered Participants 21st District Conference Registration Updates as …

Rotary Literacy Project Award

Pearson Foundation‐International Reading Association‐Rotary Literacy Project Award Rotary International and the International Reading Association (IRA) have had a cooperative relationship since 2002, working hand‐in‐hand strengthening literacy in their communities and internationally. To further motivate and recognize those projects that …

Shelterbox 3310 donations

Dear Club Presidents, For those who attended the Shelterbox workshop at the district conference recently, I am sure you were equally impressed with the wonderful work that shelterbox does worldwide. Some of you have asked me how to make the …

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 4 (October 2011-Part 4)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 4 (October 2011-Part 3)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 4 (October 2011-Part 2)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 4 (October 2011-Part 1)