Author Archives: admin

District Directory 2012-13 update

Dear Rotarians, As of 10 Feb 2012., PP June Jonet has only received 27 club submissions. Where are the rest? Pity June Jonet; she has been appealing. By her last email to many Rotarians asking for their fullest cooperation, only …

Proposed Selangor Institute Programme

The organizing committee had come out with a more comprehensive and interesting programme for the November Institute.

CLICK HERE to view the proposed Programme »

RI Strategic Plan Progress Report 2012

Rotary International News — 26 January 2012 Download the latest RI Strategic Plan Progress Report (PDF) for January 2012 to learn more about the progress Rotary is making on its strategic priorities. The RI Strategic Plan charts a clear course …

From the Desk of the District Governor 15/2011-12

It’s me again. I trust that many of you would have enjoyed your Christmas and New Year holidays and many are back to the usual routines. Many may have made New Year resolutions to do this and that… But many amongst us have this resolution… that is to STRENGHEN OUR CLUBS and our DISTRICT.

Seven ways to get more out of Rotary in 2012

By Antoinette Tuscano Rotary International News – 3 January 2012 A teacher prepares a lesson for first graders at École Ste.-Famille in Les Cayes, Haiti. The school was rebuilt with support from a Rotary Foundation donor advised fund after the …

Rotarian Action Groups Annual Report

Rotarian Action Groups Annual Report 2010-11 now available online Rotary International News — 24 January 2012 The Rotarian Action Groups Annual Report 2010-11 is now available online, where you can learn information about projects, new initiatives, and membership. From developing …

2012-13 Theme materials

Get ready for the 2012-13 Rotary year by using speeches, news articles, photos, and videos from this year’s International Assembly, the annual training meeting for district governors-elect held 15-21 January in San Diego, California, USA. See the assembly Find photos, …

Rotary Code of Conduct

As a Rotarian, I will 1. Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviours and activities 2. Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary 3. Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging …

‘Peace Through Service’ is 2012-13 RI theme

By Megan Ferringer and Arnold R. Grahl Rotary International News — 16 January 2012 RI President-elect Sakuji Tanaka unveiled the 2012-13 RI theme, Peace Through Service, during the opening plenary session of the 2012 International Assembly, a training event for …

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 5 (November 2011)