Author Archives: admin

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 10 (April 2012 – Part 4)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 10 (April 2012 – Part 3)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 10 (April 2012 – Part 2)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 10 (April 2012 – Part 1)

RTM Pre-launch

Dear Rotarians, On 1st July 2012, you will receive directly the District e-bulletin on Rotary Information, if your club presidents submit your email address. Otherwise, you have to do self-registration in the District Website. The District Rotary Information Committee (DRIC) …

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 9 (March 2012 – Part 4)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 9 (March 2012 – Part 3)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 9 (March 2012 – Part 2)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 9 (March 2012 – Part 1)

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