Author Archives: admin

Future Vision Programme Quick Reference Guide

In preparing Rotarians in the district for the implementation of Future Vision Program (FVP) effective 1 July 2013, here is the Quick Reference Guide. Kind regards DGN Haji Andre Suharto District 3310 eGroup Moderator 2011-2012 futurevisionplanguide

New Haemodialysis Quality and Standards

Dear Rotarians, The Ministry of health of Malaysia has come up with a new Haemodialysis Quality and Standards and this was released on 24/7/2012. This document was developed by the Medical Services Unit, Medical Development Division, Ministry of Health and …

“Green on Me”: A Preserve Planet Earth and 3gen Program by Rotary Happiness Fund – Post Release

Students from the Interact Club of ITE College East – a youth service club under Rotary International District 3310 took the lead in organizing Green on Me – an inter-generational tree planting initiative cum luncheon for 100 senior citizens from Thye Hua Kwan Seniors Activity Centre, Nee Soon South CC Family Life Committee (FLC) and Bedok Radiance Seniors at Punggol Park Connector on Saturday, 30 June 2012.
[Click Here for More Information]

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 11 (May 2012 – Part4)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 11 (May 2012 – Part3)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 11 (May 2012 – Part2)

Rotary Voices 3310 – Issue No. 11 (May 2012 – Part1)

Messsage 2011-2012

My Fellow Rotarians, In the next few days, we are entering another Rotary Year 2011/2012. We all look forward to be leaders in our clubs, in our locality and in our District with renewed enthusiasm and energy to be of …

RTM July 2012

Green On Me 2012 Press Releases

Students from the Interact Club of ITE College East – a youth service club under Rotary International District 3310 are taking the lead to organize Green on Me – an inter-generational tree planting initiative cum luncheon for 100 senior citizens from Thye Hua Kwan Seniors Activity Centre, Nee Soon South CC Family Life Committee (FLC) and Bedok Radiance Seniors at Punggol Park Connector on Saturday, 30 June 2012 from 8.30am to 1.00pm.