Author Archives: admin

Fund-raising for Typhoon Bopha Disaster: Update 19

Dear Rotarians, The fund-raising managed to get total RM 98,830.00 from Rotary clubs and persons in district 3310. Thank you very much. I am pleased to inform you DG Lee Kong Hwee has remitted USD32,916.29 — bank equivalent to RM …

R.I. theme for 2013/14

Club Officers’ Kit

Dear Rotarians, The 2012 edition of the Club Officers’ Kit are new and colourful, and are intended for use by club officers holding office in 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16. The hard copies will be delivered to your club soon. In …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Bopha Disaster: Update 18

Dear Rotarians, Today, I am very pleased to inform that: RC Garden city donated S$2,000 and ‘banked-in’ yesterday. The last updated list is as follows: 1. DG Lee Kong Hwee RM5,000 (bank-in 18-12-2012) 2. DGE Chew Ghin Bok RM,5000 (bank-in …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Bopha Disaster: Update 17

Dear Rotarians, Today, I am very pleased to inform that:RC Tawau will contribute RM500. RC Labuan FT donated RM1,000 (bank-in 08-1-13) The last updated list is as follows: 1. DG Lee Kong Hwee RM5,000 (bank-in 18-12-2012) 2. DGE Chew Ghin …

PETs & District Assembly 2013 Organizing Chair Message

Dear Rotarians of District 3310, It gives me great pleasure to invite my fellow Rotarians in District 3310 to register for the PETs & District Assembly 2013. Being the first time my club, Rotary Club of Bugis Junction (RCBJ) is …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Bopha Disaster: Update 15

Dear Rotarians, Today, I am glad to inform that RC Raffles City will contribute S$4,000 to the fund-raising exercise. The last updated list is as follows: 1. DG Lee Kong Hwee RM5,000 (bank-in 18-12-2012) 2. DGE Chew Ghin Bok RM,5000 …

Emergency shelter ‘biggest need’ in Philippines

Emergency shelter ‘biggest need’ in Philippines ‘The biggest needs right now are emergency shelter… almost all the houses are destroyed,’ said David Carden, head of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Philippines. Almost a month has …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Bopha Disaster: Update 12

Dear Rotarians, Today, I am pleased to inform that the RC Singapore North has pledged S$1,000,and RC Bugis Junction RM1,000 And this is the earlier donation list: 1. DG Lee Kong Hwee pledge RM5,000 (bank-in 18-12-2012) 2. DGE Chew Ghin …

RTM Jan 2013