Author Archives: admin

Vocational Service Seminars

Dear Rotarians, Our DVS regional seminar programs for each location are now confirmed. All the agenda for 4 locations are of same format and flow. Please refer to the flyer designed by PP Michael Yee, the seminar planner. 5th October …

Rotary Leadership Institute in JB

Dear Presidents & Secretaries, Warmest Greetings ! We are organising the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) part 1, 2, 3, Graduation and Faculty seminar in Johor Baru on 14th & 15th September, 2013 for fellow Rotarians from Johor and Singapore.  Venue  & …

InterCity Meeting with R.I. President

Dear Rotarians, 1. Please find enclosed the e-flyer and Booking Form for the InterCity Meeting on Wednesday, 28 August 2013, 6pm 2. Kindly request that you consider block bookings and purchases for your Club Members and Spouses to prevent unnecessary …

A Muslim’s Journey in Rotary

Dear Rotarians,

In conjunction with Membership Month and bearing in mind that the district
has just set up a committee to focus on the recruitment of Muslim Rotarians,
please allow me to share this article which was written by PDG Mustain
Sjadzali of D3410 (Western Indonesia).

Click here to view more information


DGE Haji Andre Suharto

Pan Borneo Meet 2013

More information at

RTM August 2013

Royal contribution for children’s home

Rotary Club JB’s building project gets donation from Johor’s royal family in addition to land from Tasek Group Read more: Royal contribution for children’s home – Johor – New Straits Times


Dear Past District Governors, Assistant Governors, Club Presidents & Rotarians I have been appointed by RIPE Gary Huang as Vice Chair to promote the Taipei Zone Institute in our District 3310. Join me to attend this magnificent gathering of over …

D3310 Eye Seminar

RI District 3310 will be organising the Annual ‘Seeing Eye to Eye’ Seminar on 12th October 2013 in conjunction with World Sight Day which falls on 10th October 2013. The Rotary Club of Pasir Gudang, supported by a number of …

RTM June 2013 – Special Edition