Author Archives: admin

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 8

Dear Rotarians, I am posting this update early — busy tomorrow morning. Wow! we hit RM322,000 – another great milestone. Well, we are all so blessed to be able to do so much in a short time so effectively. You …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 7

Dear Rotarians and friends, The new total donations/pledges: RM269,000. I shall tell you a creative approach in fund raising by another empowered spouse of a Rotarian from Kuching. Using Whatsapp, she contacted all her family contacts and raised RM6,000 in …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 6

Dear Rotarians, Yesterday we have donations of about RM8,600 making a new total RM257,000. Taking a breather? DG Ghim Bok and I had a discussion yesterday and agreed: 1. Receipts will be issued by the district treasurer to all donors. …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 5

Dear Rotarians, Good morning from the Pan Borneo Meet in Kuching. First, the new total donations/pledges: RM248,000! That is about 3.3 million pesos. This is simply fantastic when Rotarians feel empowered to do the right thing. And I am expecting …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 4

Dear Rotarians, Would you believe we hit RM207,000 in just over 4 days! It is true — see list below. Day 1 – 29,000 to Day 2 – 70,000 to Day 3 – 117,000… I wish to answer a question: …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 3

Dear Rotarians, Good morning. You will love to hear the new total is RM117,000 today! Equivalent to about 2.1 million Philippines Peso. Well, I am encouraged when Rotarians step forward to do the extra. Chasing the treasurer at break neck …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 2

Dear Rotarians, Good morning. We are encouraged by the enthusiasm and positive energy all round to contribute to a great cause to SAVE humanity in the Philippines. Many Clubs and especially people have come forward and donated generously. And they …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update

Dear Rotarians, 1. Good morning. I rise early to receive more good news on donations & pledges. This good start is fantastic, in our shared mission to help humanity. See list below: present total RM24,000 and S$2,000. Of course, we …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster in Philippines

Dear Rotarians, Good morning. From latest news reports and TV coverage, we all can see that the latest super Typhoon Haiyan disaster in the Philippines is really very very bad. Worse than the Typhoon Bopha disaster last December 2012. More …

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Seminar

Dear Rotarians, Please encourage your selected youth leaders in your locality to attend the RYLA Seminar 2013. ryla13-16-application-formfinal Thank you. Regards PP Dr Ho