Author Archives: admin

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 16

Dear Rotarians and friends, New total is about: RM 447,000 — a fantastic figure. Last night, I have returned from the Philippines, safe & slightly injured my right knee. I appreciate all the kind wishes for my safe mission to …

Trip to do Philippines disaster mission work

I know many Rotarians and friends in Malaysia/Spore/Brunei wants to help out in the Philippines disaster relief mission. Let me tell you the conditions on the ground and requirement from my assessment. The place for action is in Tacloban and …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 15

Dear Rotarians, Total about: RM443,000 Please check and inform me if I left you out. (Saying sorry first.) Apologies: a late update after 3 days of no news. There is no electricity in certain places – that means no Wifi …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 14

Dear Fellow Rotarians, As I prepare to leave for Cebu, Philippines, this will be a short update. And I was sickened by a very bad food-poisoning in KL yesterday, and recover well enough to travel today. Very good that RC …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 13

Dear Rotarians, You may be pleased to know the donation is about RM420,000 now. RC Kota Kinabalu added RM3,000 to the earlier RM28,000 making the total donation remitted to RC of Cebu as RM31,000. It is probably the largest donation …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 12

Dear Rotarians and friends, Hurray, we pass the RM400,00 mark! This you MUST know! DG Chew Ghin Bok did all of us a big favour by making sure we could successfully remit peso 2,155,715 PHP (USD50,000) to district 3860, and …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 11

Dear Rotarians, The new figure is RM365,000. Well, DG Chew Ghim Bok and I have decided to allocate USD50,000 (2.18 million peso PHP) to District 3860, and USD20,000 (875,000 peso PHP) to District 3850 so that we can cover more …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 10

Dear Friends and Rotarians, The latest figure is now RM343,000. Well, DG Ghim Bok and I have been in contact with DG Mark Ortiz of R.I. District 3850 and we hope to contribute some funds to help the severely affected …

Fund-raising for Typhoon Haiyan Disaster – donation update 9

Dear Rotarians, We hit RM337,000 in donations and pledges, latest. Well, I have received input from a fact finding mission tasked by Incoming RI Director Guiller Tumangan that district 3850 is also badly affected. I hope to get in touch …

Message from RI President: Support for the Philippines

From: Ron D. Burton R.I. President, 2013-14 Dear fellow Rotarians: As we all know, on November 8th the worst recorded storm to make landfall flattened entire coastal towns and villages in the Philippines. Thousands of people were killed and …