Author Archives: admin

RI Senior Coordinator, Chonticha Yuari at PETS training

Current club presidents, AGs and district chairs: Kindly disseminate this info to your incoming club officers & club members: Dear Incoming AGs, District Officers, Presidents, Secretaries  & Treasurers, 538 Incoming District Governors has the privilege of learning hands-on on how …

Rotary Youth Short Film Competition

DGE calling for Registrations

Dear Current AGs & Club Presidents & Fellow Rotarians, Thank you so much for the incoming Presidents, Secretaries , Rotarians and Rotary spouses who has registered for the coming PETS, SETS, TETS and DISTAS to be held at KSL Resort …

End-Polio Walk 2015 : Publicity Brief

Rotary is accepting applications for the Innovative and Flexible Club pilot

YOUR CLUB COULD APPLY FOR THE INNOVATIVE AND FLEXIBLE CLUB PILOT Dear club officers, The RI Board of Directors is expanding the Innovative and Flexible Club pilot from 200 to 1,000 clubs beginning 1 July 2015 through 30 June 2017. …

Message from Incoming District Governor Philip Chong

Dear DG Andre, PDGs, Presidents & Incoming Presidents & fellow Rotarians, Warmest Greetings! It is the time of the year again to prepare for the change of office bearers both at the District and clubs level. DG Andre and his …

New change: Rotary Club Central

Dear Rotarians, Yesterday, I learned that the important document of ‘Planning Guide for Effective Clubs’ that all incoming Presidents have to fill up every year is no more. It is to be replaced by ‘Rotary Club Central,’ done on RI …

Inter city Christmas Party

The party of the year is drawing closer! We have now 37 tables and venue has been upgraded to the Grand Ballroom at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel. Kindly be reminded of the following event details. Date: 22 December 2014 …

Advertisement for ED in Star Dec 13, 2014

Recruitment of ED for RI District 3310 Berhad

Dear Fellow Rotarians Pursuant to the Penang District conference in May 2014 where an approval was given by a vote of majority for the recruitment and employment of an Executive Director for Rotary International District 3310 Berhad, I am pleased …