
Dear Interact Clubs,

We are the Interact Coordinating Committee of Singapore. We are pleased to announce the launch of the International Interact Challenge! This competition is designed for Interact Clubs across countries such as Singapore and Malaysia and aims to inspire innovative and meaningful projects. Each Interact Club will have the opportunity to present its ideas and receive feedback from a panel of esteemed judges. The top 12 finalist groups will be invited to join a combined virtual conference which will include international exchange segments and fun activities! The top 3 winning clubs of each region (Singapore, East Malaysia, West Malaysia and Overseas countries) will then be provided with funding to kickstart their project.

More details can be found in this document which contains all competition guidelines: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gyV7YW3ouvKqeN3hQEhp5azy3kW5wYL0x32GroMkke8/edit?usp=sharing

Please note the following important deadlines:
– Registration for the competition closes on 24 January 2025, 2359.
– Deadline for 1st round video submission is 10 February 2025, 2359.
– Final round virtual conference will be held tentatively in late February or early March.

We will contact the finalists selected from the 1st round video submission with more details on the final round virtual conference.

Please note the following important links.
– Registration link: https://forms.gle/BmcDHMcYk9rF71oh7
– 1st round video submission link: https://forms.gle/YfJG4zThPShqqo7v6

Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing you at the International Interact Challenge!

Best regards,
Interact Coordinating Committee of Singapore
