Dear Presidents & Fellow Rotarians,

We have passed the 1,900 mark for membership !

The business of Rotary is the business of friends joining hands together to help others.

The first step then is to have friends to form a club together and to bring more friends as members.

The chartering of Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu Pearl under the leadership of Charter President Datuk Adeline Leong with 74 Charter Members has brought a new surge of manpower, energy and enthusiasm into the district.

At the same time, we have not ceased the continuous efforts to bring our friends into our Rotary brotherhood. I know every club is putting time and energy to grow with the district.

New clubs and new Rotarians are the fresh new shoots in our orchards of friendship and service in Rotary.

I salute all of you for your efforts in making a difference to the world of Rotary and brining your friends to be a gift to the World.

Kind regards,

Philip Chong Mau Kiong
Rotary Club of Likas Bay
District Governor 2015-16