Dear Presidents & Fellow Rotarians,

This is to announce that at the close of dateline (on 21st September 2015 at 5pm), I have not received submission by club(s) to propose a challenging candidate.

Therefore in complying with Article 13.020.10 of the MoP, I declare that PP Henry Tan Kok Hiang of the Rotary Club of Singapore West, being the selected candidate by the District Nominating Committee, is the District Governor for 2018-2019.

I wish PP Henry Tan heartiest congratulations and would like to encourage him to work closely immediately with me, DGE Michael Yee and DGN Datuk Lee Chuen Wan so that there will be smooth succession to bring the district to greater heights each year.

At the same time, I want to encourage all Rotarians to give their fullest co-operations to current and future district leaders because only together we can achieve the impossible. We need to be united so that the ripple in the ocean will not affect our course.


13.020.10 Absence of Challenging Candidate.

The governor shall declare the candidate of the district nominating committee to be the governor-nominee where no such challenging nomination has been received by the established date. Such declaration shall be made to all clubs in the district within 15 days of the deadline.
Kind regards,

Philip Chong Mau Kiong
Rotary Club of Likas Bay

District Governor 2015-16