Dear Presidents & Fellow Rotarians,

Pursuant to my email dated 31 August 2015 (see appended email below), and in accordance to various clauses under Article 13 of RI Manual of Procedure (Nominations and Elections for Governors), I wish to inform you that the District Nominating Committee (DNC), chaired by PDG Chris Chen, has selected PP Henry Tan Kok Hiang, Rotary Club of Singapore West as the best available candidate as District Governor for the Rotary year 2018-2019.


In compliance with the following Clauses stated under Article 13 of the RI Manual of Procedure, a club may propose a challenging candidate provided

(i) such candidate is a member of that club and

(ii) the challenging candidate must have been duly suggested to the nominating committee and

(iii) the said club must file the resolution with the District Governor on or before 21 September, 2015 at 5pm (email of scanned resolution is accepted).

In the event that I received a valid challenge on or before 21 September, 2015 at 5pm, Clause 13.020.9 (Concurrence to Challenges) will be executed by me.

I would like to thank the District Nominating Committee and all candidates for taking part in this important exercise. It is encouraging to see that many Rotarians (including the first time we have lady Rotarians candidates) are coming forward to serve the District.

References extracted from the 2013 Rotary International Manual of Procedure (MoP):

13.020.8. Challenging Candidates.

Any club in the district which has been in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year may also propose a challenging candidate for governor-nominee provided this club has previously suggested such candidate to the nominating committee. A club in existence for less than one year as of the beginning of that year may propose a challenging candidate provided such candidate is a member of that club and the challenging candidate must have been duly suggested to the nominating committee. The name of the challenging candidate shall be submitted pursuant to a resolution by the club adopted at a regular meeting. The club must file the resolution with the governor by the date determined by the governor. Such date shall be not more than 14 days after publication of the announcement of the selection for governor-nominee by the governor.

13.020.9. Concurrence to Challenges.

The governor shall inform all clubs through a form prescribed by RI of the name of any challenging candidate who has been proposed as specified above. The governor shall also inquire whether any club wishes to concur with the challenge. A club must file a resolution of the club adopted at a regular meeting to concur with a challenge. Such resolutions must be filed with the governor by the date determined by the governor. Only challenges that have been concurred to by at least five other clubs which have been in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year or 10 percent of the total number of clubs as at the beginning of that year in the district which have been in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year, whichever is higher, and only when such resolutions by the club were adopted at a regular meeting in accordance with the club bylaws as determined by the governor shall be considered valid. A club shall concur with only one challenging candidate.

13.020.10. Absence of Challenging Candidate.

The governor shall declare the candidate of the district nominating committee to be the governor-nominee where no such challenging nomination has been received by the established date. Such declaration shall be made to all clubs in the district within 15 days of the deadline.

13.020.11. Challenging Nominations.

The governor shall notify, within seven days following the deadline, all clubs in the district where a valid challenging nomination has been received by the deadline. Such notice shall include the name and qualifications of each such challenging candidate, the names of the challenging and concurring clubs and state that such candidates will be balloted upon in a ballot-by-mail or alternatively at the district conference if the challenge remains effective up to the date set by the governor.

13.020.12. Lack of Valid Challenging Nomination.

Where no valid challenging nomination is received, the governor shall declare the candidate of the district nominating committee as governor-nominee. The governor shall notify all clubs in the district of such nominee within 15 days

Kind regards,

Philip Chong Mau Kiong

Rotary Club of Likas Bay

District Governor 2015-16