My dear Rotarians,

Today is my first day as IPDG (Immediate Past District Governor).

Please join me to welcome DG Philip Chong & District First Lady Len Nyuk on board as they begin this wonderful journey of walking and working with all of you to ‘Be a Gift to the World’.

DG Philip has been working very hard. Together with DGE Michael Yee, they both joined me in some of my club official visits in August and September 2014.

DG Philip has made many observations along the way and I am sure he has fine-tuned many policies and practices to be rolled out in this new Rotary year.

While we have achieved much successes in 2014-15, it does not mean we should be complacent. We should take those successes and build more successes along the way.

Thank you for allowing me to work with you to ‘Light Up Rotary’ for the past 12 months.

It has been an inspiring and fulfilling journey that has left many fond memories in my heart and soul to become the most memorable time of my life.

Many club presidents & Rotarians joined hands with me to do good in the local and overseas communities.

We witnessed, acted and passed many difficult times together such as:
1. The flood in Kelantan & Sabah
2. The earthquake in Nepal and Ranau (Sabah)
3. The passing of many good Rotarians

Several fund raising activities were initiated and Rotarians never failed to contribute.

We celebrated World Understanding & Peace Day with a different approach – the Rotary Day across Johor and Sabah.

We witnessed the biggest ever participation in RYLA that was held in Kuching with over 200 participants.

For the first time we commemorated Vocational Service month by having a TED style event called ‘Walk the Talk’ at Fusionopolis in Singapore where several speakers gave interesting talk to about 100 attendees.

It was also the first time that the district designed its own Rotary vest that is now worn by many Rotarians across the district whenever they attend club activities and projects. This gives us a uniform image to members of the public.

We organised Rotary Day – Community Eyes Screening in collaboration with National University Hospital in Singapore. It was a good turnout and was graced by Mayor Low Yen Ling. Thanks to IPP Jona Pang of RC Tanjong Pagar, the organising chair.
We celebrated Inter-City dinner with RI President Gary Huang with a good turnout of over 380 attendees. Thanks to IPP Elsie Chua of RC Pandan Valley who was the organising chair.

The introduction of Personal Data Protection Act in Singapore and Malaysia warranted the district to look into this matter with great concern and commenced its implementation for clubs and Rotarians in Singapore which is still ongoing. This was assisted by IPP Derrick Wong of RC Marina City.

We started with 1,703 Rotarians on 1 July 2014 and ended with 1,827 Rotarians (an increase of 7.3% versus target of 10% growth) as of 30 June 2015. The last time we crossed the 1,800 mark was on 30 June 2012 with 1,811 Rotarians. But it dropped to 1,778 as of 1 July 2012.

A total of 62% of the 62 clubs in our districts registered a net growth of at least 1 member while 19% of the clubs were stagnant (zero growth) and another 19% registered declined in total membership.

We registered the smallest drop in membership figures when we switched from 30 June 2015 to 1 July 2015 with reduction of only 7 members thus giving the starting total membership of 1,818 as of 1 July 2015.

We grew by having one new conventional club, RC Singapore Heartlands and Rotary Satellite Club of Sibu Sarikei. The latter represents the first satellite club in D3310.

In the pipelines are more new clubs:
1. RC Kota Kinabalu Pearl (which had been registered with Malaysian ROS on 2 June 2015 but yet to register with RI. They now have 36 members.
2. Rotary Satellite Club of Tebrau Leisure Farm
3. Rotary Satellite Club of Johor Central Iskandar
4. Mandarin speaking club in Kota Kinabalu
5. Mandarin speaking club in Johor

We could have reached our membership growth target of 10% had the above 5 clubs been registered in time. But it does not matter. It is better that these clubs are formed with solid foundation than to rush registering them only to crumble on shaky grounds not long after.

For the first time we conducted a 3-in-1 seminar for The Rotary Foundation, Membership & PR with good responses in Singapore, Johor, Sabah and Sarawak. The details are as follows:

1. Singapore, 30th August 2014 (115 participants) -Organising/Host Club: RC Singapore West

2. Sabah/Labuan FT, 6th September 2014 (105 participants) – Organising/Host Club: RC Kinabalu Sutera

3. Sarawak/Brunei, 13th September 2014 (74 participants) – Organising/Host Club: RC Kuching

4. Johor/Melaka, 4th October 2014 (88 participants) – Organising/Host Club: RC Kulai

5. Total participants: 382 participants

The general feedback from the participants who had attended the 2-day seminar format was that they like this 3-in-1 format.

We increased the district dues by 50% and I think it was the biggest increase in the history of the district.

We hired an Executive Director, by the name of PP Dr Ho Loon Shin, commencing 15 March 2015. He is on contract until 30 June 2017. I have had several discussions with him and showed him the various reports from My Rotary and prepared him to assist DG Philip as he visits the clubs.

We have also formalised the employment of Office Manager by the name of PP Joseph Chua.

Total contributions to The Rotary Foundation stood at USD474,327.00 (as of 30 June 2015 ) versus a target of USD300,000. Out of this amount, USD233,527.00 represented contributions to the Annual Fund. There were 39 clubs or 62.9% that contributed to Annual Fund.

For the very first time the district participated in the VTT (Vocational Training Team) with District 2760 (Nagoya, Japan) as the inbound team. Our outbound team was led by PP Dr Ho Loon Shin with a medical doctor, a matron and a nurse from Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kota Kinabalu. The cost of the outbound team was borne by D2760 except for the team leader which was self funded. Thanks to IPDG Kondo and D2760. The participation in VTT represents the continuing efforts put by the late PP Alfred Sii of RC Kota Kinabalu. It was a tribute to him.

We also witnessed the first community based interact club St Maria Goretti.

We chartered 2 new Rotaract Clubs.

The Rotary Information Evening, which initially started by RC Singapore, was extended to all clubs in Singapore where they can bring potential members to get to know more about Rotary. The first RIE was hosted by the committee with speakers from RC Singapore & RC Sentosa. Key Rotarians such as club president Perlita, AG Brown Pereira, PP Karen Kang, CP Michael Quek, PP Henry Tan and PP Dr Yap Lip Kee were involved in formulating the RIE.

We had great response for the Kuching District Conference with record breaking attendees. It was also the first time that we had everyone wearing the specially designed Rotary batik for the official opening of the District Conference. It was also the first time we had 10 Rotary clubs from D3300 & 3 Rotary clubs from D3410 (Indonesia) attending the D3310 conference.

I had the honour to lead a delegation of 16 Rotarians and spouses from D3310 and 17 Rotarians and spouses from D3300 to attend the D3410 & D3420 Joint District Conference in Yogyakarta on the third week of May 2015.

In summary, I am really touched and awed with mixed emotions to see many club presidents still being active even until the last day of June. RC Penampang was still doing new members induction on the 30 June 2015. My personal observation is that many Rotarians in District 3310 have become so gelled and united like never before ever since I joined Rotary in 1986.

I urge everyone of you to keep up with your enthusiam and momentum. Make it contagious to those who crossed your path.

May you be blessed for all the good things you have done and continue to do.

Thank you sincerely from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to work with you and for getting to know many of you beyond the Rotary world.

Thank you to all the Rotarians who have made this district more vibrant.

My most sincere apologies should my actions and words have hurt or offended you along the way. It was never intended to be that way.

May our friendship continue to blossom.

To the world, you and me are just like any other human being. To the people who are in need, you and me can mean the whole world to them.

Our mission is not yet completed and it will never be complete. So go forth to serve.

Thank you with all my heart to all Past District Governors, all incoming Governors, Assistant Governors, District Chairs & their respective committee members, club presidents and Rotarians.
Rotary has been a part of my life since 1986 when I joined the RC Kuching Central. I benefited tremendously since I’ve been a Rotarian, especially in areas of leadership development, public speaking skills and people management.
Prior to becoming a Rotarian, my view of the world was often narrow. I only see what was infront of me. Rotary has changed me to be a better person and above all, a better leader.

Let us join hands with DG Philip Chong to walk and work together to make this district bigger, better and bolder. So that together we can ‘Be a Gift to the World’.

My most sincere thanks once again.

Yours in Rotary
Andre Suharto
District Governor 2014-2015 | District 3310 – Brunei, Singapore & part of Malaysia (East Malaysia, Johor & Melaka States)