Incorporating District Membership, Public Image and Rotary Foundation Seminars
The District 3310 leadership decided on a combined single-day event incorporating Membership, Public Image and Rotary Foundation seminars after taking into consideration past feedback that members have too many district events to attend in a Rotary Year. This is the first time the District is experimenting with the 3-in-1 concept.
Four Regional Seminars Held
Four regional seminarswere successfully concluded:
- Singapore, 30th August 2014
Organising/Host Club: RC Singapore West
Venue: The Hollandse Club, Singapore
115 participants - Sabah/Labuan FT, 6th September 2014
Organising/Host Club: RC Kinabalu Sutera
Venue: WismaKinsabina, Kota Kinabalu
105 participants - Sarawak/Brunei, 13th September 2014
Organising/Host Club: RC Kuching
Venue: 360 Urban Resort Hotel, Kuching
74 participants - Johor/Melaka, 4th October 2014
Organising/Host Club: RC Kulai
Le Grandeur Palm Resort, Senai
88 participants
Schedule and Programming
District Membership and Public Image seminars were held in the morning session, and the District Rotary Foundation session in the afternoon. Seminars at all four locations followed a similar format and schedule of topics.
Keynote Speaker at the Singapore sessions – RI Zone 6B Rotary Coordinator PDG Salim Reza
PDG Salim delivered his keynote address at the start of the District Membership Seminar in Singapore. He shared worldwide membership trends, success stories and best practices in Zone 6B and urge all present to work towards achieving key membership targets and goals.
Talk and Presentation Format
The TED Talk format was adopted for all sessions/talks. Each speaker has between 10-15 minutes to deliver his/her key messages to the audience. This helps speakers to focus on their main points and be efficient in their presentations.
There was a fair balance of new speakers and current/refreshing topics with recurring themes and experienced speakers. The good mix kept the participants engaged and encouraged lively exchanges of ideas and sharing of experiences.
Mandarin Sessions
In response to requests made by interested members, separate break-out sessions were organized for the benefit of Mandarin-speakers in Kuching and Senai.
Attendance at the Seminars
Overall, the combined seminars were very well attended. A total of 382 Rotarians participated in the whole-day events. After excluding multiple participations, approximately 21% of the membership in the district attended one of the four regional seminars.
Participation by Clubs in District 3310
In all, 58 clubs in the district were represented at the District Combined Seminars, representing 94% of the total clubs in the District 3310.
Fellowship Dinner with District Governor
At the conclusion of every Seminar at all four locations, the District Fellowship and Recreation Committee organized fellowship dinners with the DG in attendance. All the fellowships were very well attended and the programs were fun and entertaining.
Judging from the very good turnout of Rotarians in the District, the 3-in-1 concept for combined District seminars may be the right way forward. Initial feedback from participants has been very positive indeed. There were some suggestions for improvement to be considered.
- District Combined Seminars in KK
- District Combined Seminars in Kuching
- District Combined Seminars in Senai
- District Combined Seminars in Singapore
- District Membership Development and Extension committee, Rotary Year 2014-15
- Chair: PP Lai Bou Leong
- Regional Chair, Sabah/Labuan FT: IPP Emily Chong
- Regional Chair, Sarawak/Brunei: PP Audry Wan Ullok
- Regional Chair, Singapore: PP PekTiong Boon
- Regional Chair, Johor/Melaka: AG Alex Ong