Here is another great speaker that is getting popularity in our District. He first came to speak at our last District Training Assembly in JB in 2013 and then at the 26th Pan Borneo in November which was held in Kuching. He will now come back again for our 24th DISTAS due to popular demand and request.

Here is his profile:

Past President Dr Siva Ananthan


Dr Siva Ananthan is the Founder and CEO of LTT Global Consultants, a corporate and legal advisory and project funding consultancy based in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

Dr Siva has had a diverse career, starting out in education as the founder and former owner of Malaysia’s largest private law school – Advance Tertiary College (ATC). Dr Siva was actively involved in Malaysia’s private education industry from 1985 until 2003. He served as the youngest ever President of the National Association of Private Educational Institutions (NAPEI) from 1990 – 2000 and was responsible for reshaping and redefining the role of private colleges as responsible corporate citizens during their infant stages of development. For his efforts he was recognized by the then Minister of Education, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak (who is now the Prime Minister of Malaysia) with an Award for Outstanding Contribution to Private Education in 2001. He was also awarded the Royal Title of Order of Paduka Mahkota Perak (P.M.P.) by His Royal Highness Sultan Azlan Shah of Perak, Malaysia.

During this time Dr Siva also served as Malaysia’s first Director to the Pan Pacific Association of Private Education (PAPE) and was a Governing Council Member of the ASEAN Law Association (ALA).

An active Rotarian, Dr Siva is a Past President and a Charter Member of the Rotary Club of Greater Kuala Lumpur. He has been a Rotarian since 1990. During this time he has served in District 3300 in many capacities including Assistant Governor, Deputy District Trainer, Chairman of the Awards Committee, Chairman of the MDR Committee, Chairman of the Literacy Task Force and Organising Chair for the Visits of two Rotary International Presidents. He has also been a member of the District Training Team and GDL for many years.

Dr Siva was also a Trainer at the 2011 Bali Rotary Institute’s District Trainer Training Seminar and the 2012 Selangor Rotary Institute’s Governors Elect Training Seminar. Dr Siva was also the keynote speaker at the first Multi District PETS in the Philippines comprising of 10 Districts. He has also spoken at numerous Assemblies and Conferences in many Districts around the Rotary world.

Dr Siva is a Paul Harris Fellow and Major Donor (Level 2) of The Rotary Foundation.

Dr Siva is currently the Chair of the District Strategic Action Plan Committee and Rotary Leadership Institute Committee of D3300.

Dr Siva is well known for his highly thought provoking and entertaining presentations. Dr Siva truly believes that Rotary provides the impetus for action to make the world a better place.

Join me to ‘Light Up Rotary’

Andre Suharto

District Governor 2014-2015 | District 3310 – Brunei, Singapore & part of Malaysia (East Malaysia, Johor & Melaka States)

Mobile: +60.12.8989.980