Dear Rotarians and friends,

It is time for me to update the latest news from the Philippines.

This morning I have received the photos below, PP Jimmy Ooi from RC Singapore has been visiting the disaster sites and helping in distributing relief goods with Rotarians from Cebu city with PDG Toto Cupin, Rotarian Maita Manglapus, and others including IPDG Perok of D3860.

Well, I have regularly posted many photos on R.I. District 3310 facebook page:

On the ground my good buddy Rotarian Bobong (RC Cebu) who had been to Leyte/Samar more than 8 times in 3 weeks updated me with the following:

“The gymnasium of Sacred Heart School in Tacloban has been used for various relief operation supplies and donations.
There were 96 Shelterbox units there last week sent to Tacloban from Cebu using the Philippine Air Force C130. These are being deployed at the moment to different areas in Samar and Leyte by Shelterbox Rapid Response teams. I am expecting about 200 Shelterbox kits to arrive at my warehouse today along with some 600 to 700 tents.
Using the funds from your District, Governor Ed (D3860) sent a total of 8,000 Galvanized roofing sheets to both Tacloban and Ormoc and these have been distrbuted/assigned to 7 individual Rotary Clubs (2 in Ormoc and 5 in Tacloban). Several hundreds of kilos of nails, wire, flat sheets, tools and other supplies were shipped along with the materials.
We shipped a truck load of food and water to Tacloban the other day using a truck purchased in Cebu by RC Tacloban’s Joel Caminade.
About 15 tonnes of relief supplies reached Tacloban early last week from RC Naga City in southern Luzon. These has been distributed to various areas in Leyte and Samar as well.
Dr. Ho, given the loss RC Tacloban members have experienced, they are doing everything within their means to help out. It hasn’t been easy keeping spirits high given their loss but they’re coping, caring and sharing.
Today, I’m receiving the 2nd of 17 x 40′ containers of personal hygeine products from our friends in Singapore and Hong Kong. We will start repacking the goods shortly.” Unquote.

From Singapore, we have shipped ten units of the water filtration system to arrive Cebu city by 24th December; these will be deployed in Leyte and Samar villages soonest.

Well, early tomorrow, I am leaving for Cebu again to follow up on relief work in Leyte and Samar to ensure the donations from our district are put to good & effective use.

Thank you.

With best wishes,
PP Dr Ho