Dear Past District Governors, Assistant Governors, Club Presidents & Rotarians

I have been appointed by RIPE Gary Huang as Vice Chair to promote the Taipei Zone Institute in our District 3310.

Join me to attend this magnificent gathering of over 1,000 Rotarians from 10 districts representing Zone 6B, 7A and 10B.

The institute proper starts on the 6 Dec evening and ends on 8 Dec (Sunday) lunch time.

There are pre-institutes events such as training for Governor-Elects, Governor Nominees, District Trainer, Regional Rotary Foundation and Golf fellowship prior to the start of the institute.

If you have not attended such Rotary Institute, do try to make it a point to attend. You will be able to network with Rotarians from Hongkong, Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan and many more.

As of 19th July, there are already 5 Rotarians from D3310 who have registered.

There are 2 forms that I have enclosed in this email:

1. Form to register for the Institute

2. Form to book your accommodation.

For those Rotarians who have already registered, please check the following link, and go to the page ‘REGISTRANT INFO’:

Hotel rooms are limited. You are also encouraged to book your flights by next month so that your ticket fare is cheaper.

If you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me or (PDG Frederick, Chair of Rotary Institute).

(To all club presidents, please help to distribute this information to all your respective club members.)

Kind regards

DGE Haji Andre Suharto

Vice Chair (Promotion)

Taipei Zone Institute

c/o Rotary Club of Kuching Central

Telp: +60-82-411775 ext 30

Fax: +60-82-425776

Mobile: +(60-12) 898 9980 (WhatsApp & BlackBerry)

Email: or