Dear Rotarians,
I wish to inform you I will be joining the District 3860 disaster relief team for
Bagangga, Davao Oriental to distribute relief goods to about 2,500 families
on the 24th January 2013, at my own expense. DG Lee Kong Hwee has
given me his blessings.
I invite others to join me if you are interested, again at your own expense.
From Singapore, I am flying to Davao City (via Manila) on the 23rd January
and then take a 1.5-hour drive to Tagum City.
The next day, at 3.00am, DG Perok of D3860 will lead a team of Rotarians
driving — taking a longer route because the direct highway is destroyed — about
8 hours to reach the destination. On the same day, we shall return to Tagum City.
Well, I am returning home on Sunday 27th January, 2013.
Peace Through Service.
Thank you.
PP Dr Ho