
Updated training materials available

All districts can use the training materials below to prepare their clubs for participation in the new grant model.

District Rotary Foundation Committee Manual – A key, comprehensive resource on the district Rotary Foundation committee’s roles and responsibilities, Rotary Foundation grants and programs, district qualification, and fundraising. (Now available in English; will be available in other languages by 1 September.)

District Rotary Foundation Seminar Manual – A series of suggested PowerPoint presentations and session outlines for use at district Rotary Foundation seminars or other zone or district level training for club-level Rotarians who need to understand the basics. (Now available in English; will be available in other languages by 1 September.)

Grant Management Manual – An important resource for clubs and districts that want to apply for a global grant; should also be used as a resource at grant management seminars. (Now available in English; will be available in other languages by 1 October.)

Grant Management Leaders’ Guide – For use by district leaders to qualify clubs at grant management seminars. (Now available in English; will be available in other languages by 1 October.)

Learn more about the new grant model, which all districts will begin using 1 July 2013.
