Dear Club presidents & secretaries,

Time flies! Kindly fill up the form attached here for the District Directory 2012-2013

The PETS/ district assembly will be held earlier: 22-25th MARCH 2012
Therefore we seek all your coorperation in order to have this directory ready by then.
Please submit on 15 February 2012 to junejonet@thesilverback.
I will revert with confirmation of receipt. If you don’t receive this, kindly contact me again.

Your deadline and actions
22 March – Printed and delivered to Zon Hotel
10 March – Printed in Malacca. Proof reading. Check cross referencing of the 2 books and the pages.
3 March – Layout done & sent to printer
20 Feb – Layout design. No more submissions entertained.
15 Feb – Submission of forms.

Q: I cant get all my BOD ready by 15 February. What do I do?
A: Fill up as much as you can. At the very least, you should have your incoming president & secretary’s details ready. Chinese New Year is on 23 January. If you havent got your incoming BOD yet, it might help to treat them to Lo Hei and persuade them over drinks!

Q: What happens if I cant submit by 20 Feb?
A: Your club page details will draw a blank. We will put the contacts of the current president & secretary of 2011-2012. So if you don’t want to be bugged for another year, get your PE & SE now!

Q: I do not know who my past presidents, club logo, website, interact/rotaract or number of members
A: Your current pres/secretary should know as they have filled up this form last year. You can refer to the past district directories, or consult a past president if you hit a hurdle.

Q: I do not know how to put the photos in word document
A: No worries. Send the photo of your incoming club president & secretary separately in JPEG format, together with the completed form to

Q: My club does not have a CLP. Can I change the BOD section?
A: Yes you can. Just fill it up using the same layout.

Q: Must I follow the fonts and layout given in the word document?
A: Yes. Please adhere. In the interest of time, we will use exactly what you gave us. This will put the onus on each club, and eliminate printer/designer’s error.

Q: Can I submit via hardcopy
A: No. Unfortunately, we are dealing with tight deadlines. Please submit via softcopy.

Yours in Rotary,

PP June Jonet
Rotary Club of Marina City (Singapore)
Interact/Rotaract Advisor

Rotary District 3310 Membership Media consultant
Rotary District 3310 World Community Service & International Service Committee (2009-2012)
Rotary District 3310 Future Vision Plan (2011-2013)
Rotary District 3310 New Generations Singapore (2011-2012)

Attached files:

