00.00: Breakfast at Cottages

00:30:  Drive back with support vehicles to yesterday’s finishing point at the bridge over Sungai Liwagu at Tampias.

01:00: Start walking to Sabah Tea Gardens.  The first stretch follows the Sungai Liwagu, then it starts to climb the hill.  5 1/2 hours in pitch darkness.

02:15:  Nothing to see, except reflective signboards.


07:00:  Resting:


Rtns. Robin and Wei Lien enjoying a fresh papaya……….


……while Mervyn is taking a power nap.

AG Erich fighting off a kampong dog attack.


07:05: AG Erich and Rtn. Charles get a first glimpse of Mount Kinabalu.  What a gigantic mountain!


07:40: Rtn. Charles nearly at the end of todays walk – only 1 km to go!

image029107:50: AG Erich and Rtn. Charles reached the gate to the Sabah Tea Gardens.

image030109-30:  Rtns. Robin and Wei Lien still enjoying durians on their way………

image0311 image0321

……… and arrive at 10:10.

Distance covered today: 33 km. Total time taken: between 6 hours 50 minutes and  9 hours 10 minutes, including rests

We spent the rest of the day at the cottages recovering.

Best regards from the Trans-Sabah Walk & Climb Team.


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  1. Any amount in Singapore Dollars or Malaysian Ringgits; or
  2. In multiples of US$1,000.00. Every US$1,000.00 qualifies for one PHF recognition; or
  3. A combination of 1 and 2 above.

Please contact your Rotary Club President for more details.