Dear Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, Families and Friends of Rotary, Greetings from the Trans-Sabah Walk N Climb Team.  Here comes our next report.  We are now at the Fairy Garden Resort in Kundasang, a few km away from the Mount Kinabalu National Parks HQ.  The past few days were very tiring – no time left for writing reports.

Let’s go back and continue where we ended our last Event Log #02:

Day 5 – Thursday, 10 November 2011:

We had a good rest at the comfortable City Hotel in Telupid.  At 01:30,  the Chinese restaurant owner and his assistants had again prepared our special breakfast.


Today, we had to track across the hills of Bukit Taviu to the bridge over Sungai Liwagu at Tampias.

02:00: Ready to go:


In a constant up-hill walk through the dark,  we look forward to the sunrise at 6:00.   It’s a pleasant 26 degree C, not much traffic bothering us.

The road is narrow and quite uneven.


By now, we know every pothole.

We pass mile stone after mile stone


07:50: The usual morning mist over the forest:



08:00:  We reached the highest point of today below the Microwave Tower.


08:05:  “Murals in the forest”:

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08:20: Entering Hutan Simpan Bukit Taviu


10:00: AG Erich taking a deserved rest.  Mervyn joining him.

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11:15: The view over the valley of the Sungai Liwagu opens up


From here it’s all the way downhill. Where is the bridge?

11:50:  With a total distance of 44.5 km, this is the longest section of our walk.  The temperature is now 34 degrees C!  Fatigue starts to set in.

12:15 Another palm oil lorry passing us………..


…………and there appears a bridge at the horizon!  Hurray, what a boost!


But soon it turned out to be a different bridge, not our target point.  Another gruelling 45 minutes to go!

13:00:  Finally, we reached the coffee shop just before the bridge.  We did it again!


The bridge over Sungai Liwagu at Tampias.


All walkers at the ending point of today


Just feeling like the P.O.W..


Distance covered today: 44.5 km. Total time taken by most walkers, including rests: 11 hours.  Whaaa……

13:40: Our support vehicles drove us forward to the Sabah Tea Gardens, a cottage resort surrounded by a tea plantation.

15:00:  Western style lunch at the Sabah Tea Gardens restaurant, followed by recovery.  Too tired to take photographs (what a pity, we had such a nice view from the there).