Dear Rotarians,
I am joining hands with the Rotary Club of KL diRaja of district 3300 to participate in a worthy project ‘1-Blanket 4-Japan’ to help the Japanese earthquake victims to overcome a shortage of blankets there. Please read more about it in the email below from President Andy Khoo.
As chair of the disaster relief committee, I am appealing to Rotary Clubs and Rotarians.
If you wish to contribute a clean or new blanket or blanket(s), please send them to Wisma Rotary at No. 1, Jalan Bintang 2, Taman Bintang, Senai, Johor (Tel: 07 5980822 attention Mr Tay), from 21March to 26March. These donated blankets will be transferred by courier service to Kuala Lumpur before it is shipped to Japan on 28March or latest 29March.
Please note that this campaign is for 6 (six) days only, and no more — from 21st to 26th March.
We welcome input and feedback about this effort. Thank you very much.
Yours in Rotary,
PP Dr Ho
— On Sun, 3/20/11, aa kk <> wrote:
1-Blanket 4-Japan
Fellow Rotarians and Friends,
Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur DiRaja is supporting a grass-roots effort to collect
and despatch blankets to disaster-hit relief centres in Japan. It is now winter
in Japan and many centres are short of blankets. The homeless are cold and
suffering from the need of warmth and bed covering, especially at nights.
Children are shivering and are the hardest hit among those who are housed in
those disaster relief centres.
Malaysians are being invited to help by donating a blanket or as many blankets
as they can. Even one blanket from each family in Malaysia will be able to
collectively fill a plane. The minimum target we hope is 1000 blankets that will
save 1000 lives in Japan.
Check out this unique and urgent Disaster Relief initiative:
The 1-Blanket 4-Japan team has already secured:
* Malaysian Airlines and AirAsia X who has said “YES”, they are willing to fly
the blankets to Tokyo without charge.
* Crown Worldwide in Malaysia has agreed to be the final one-stop centre store
to pack and crate the blankets just before the airlift by the airlines (target
date 28March).
* Allied Movers will will confirm by tomorrow if they can provide help to
pick-up the blankets from all across Peninsular Malaysia (target date 27March).
* NTV7 had covered the story at 8pm last Saturday, 19March.
This was originally a grassroots effort.
RCKL DiRaja has decided to take this on to support the cause and champion this
effort…. as the calamity is far worse than most originally thought, and
perhaps there are people in Malaysia who wish to do something different to
help other than sending money.
Our Club’s first effort is to allow our Wisma Rotary in Seri Kembangan to be the
collection centre for KL & Selangor. So Rotarians and friends in Klang Valley
can send blankets to:
Wisma Rotary, 21-3, Jalan Sungai Besi Indah 5/2
Taman Sungai Besi Indah, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor
Tel: 03-8948-9001, Contact: Ms Punes, Cik Alleysia
Collection times: 9am to 1pm daily
Collection dates: 21st March – 26th March 2011 (Mon-Sat only)
Additionally, our Club’s second effort is that we are reaching out to all other
Rotary Clubs for short-term focused assistance with some involvement from each
Club or Rotarian.
We are appealing for 1-week of effort and support from our Brother & Sister
Rotarians and Fellow Rotary Clubs in District 3300. DG Kok Beng has been
advised (he is presently in Manila) and has given his approval for us to reach
out to all Clubs. See how your Club and you can assist as below…
RCKLDR & the 1-Blanket 4-Japan team need help from Rotary Clubs around Malaysia:
It would be great if any Club or any individual Rotarian is willing to help
setup a collection centre in any state in Malaysia for people to send blankets
too. An office, a home, a shop, any venue which, and any person who, can
receive public contributions of blankets (not cash) and provide temporary
storage of blankets for up to 1 week would be appreciated. This is only for the
short period of 21March-27March 2011.
A) We can have several collection centres in each state which would ONLY operate from 21March to 26March (6 days) for receipt of blankets donated by the public.
You can choose your own times for the public drop-off times as in the example
above for the RCKLDR drop-off times in Wisma Rotary which are only from
9am-1pm. So choose your own site that you are willing to volunteer and also
your own times that you can receive blankets from the public for those crucial 6
days of collection.
B) On 27March (Sunday), we shall need your help again to then finally move all
the blankets you have collected to one major centre per state. The nationwide
courier service, once we have received their confirmation of support and
logistics, will then pick up the accumulated blankets at one major centre per
state and ship to Wisma Rotary (target date by 27March). We can then inventory
the nation-wide collections and tally up the totals at Wisma Rotary so we can
report to all Clubs, Rotarians and the District on the final count.
Finally, we expect that by 28March (Monday), Crown Movers will then collect the
total country-wide collection of blankets from Wisma Rotary to crate them at the
Crown Shah Alam HQ and store the crates prior to moving to the air terminal(s)
for shipment to Japan latest by either 28March or 29March we hope.
As such, we are very hopeful and counting on our Fellow Clubs and Rotary
Brothers & Sisters to contribute some effort and time, not cash. We apologize
for the short notice but things are desperate & getting worse in Japan. I
personally have a pen-pal friend in Sendai City whom I have corresponded with
since I was 7-years old. Everything there is chaos as the Japanese Government
is handling so many on-going recovery efforts and nuclear challenges complicate
the relief efforts.
So please, if you are interested to help with setting up your Club or your own
centre, please email me to provide:
1) Name – Your Club’s name
2) Address for your collection venue.
3) Contact telephone number(s) and the name of contact person(s)
4) Collection times: daily ONLY from 21st March – 26th March 2011 (next Mon-Sat
5) If your centre is larger and you wish to volunteer to be your State’s major
collection point for consolidation prior to shipping on 27March, then please let
me know also.
We shall collect these details and put them up on the 1-Blanket 4-Japan websites
by 5pm today (Sunday) for the first set of centres we receive. There will be a
second and final update to the websites for any late-comers who wish to set up
collection centres by Tuesday, 22March, at 5pm.
Your urgent response is greatly appreciated in these efforts to save lives.
Call me if you need more details or if you have any questions. My cell
contact is below….
Thank you for your kind efforts in reading this email, and…
if you decide to help out, thanks for your generous involvement in this unique
and short-term effort that hopefully will go a long way to saving lives in
Andy Khoo
President RY2010-11
Rotary Club of KL DiRaja
016-226-4646, 013-311-4646