This is a reminder to all Rotary club leadership that Rotary International is conducting four new pilot programs beginning 1 July 2011 and operating through 30 June 2014 and is looking for clubs to participate in them.

The deadline for submitting a pilot application form is 1 April 2011. If you have already submitted an application, please be reminded that decisions for club selections will be made by 1 May 2011. Club and district officers will be notified of clubs selected to participate by 31 May 2011.

To participate in these pilot programs, your club must have been chartered prior to 30 June 2009 and be in good financial standing and you will need agreement from the current club president and club president-elect along with the agreement of 2/3 of the members of the club.  You may email questions to or contact your Club and District Support representative.

Applications can be scanned and submitted via email to or printed and faxed to 1-847-556-2196.

Below is a brief recap of each pilot program. Follow this link to more detailed fact sheets for each of these pilots, guidelines for selection, terms of participation, and an implementation plan:

Satellite Club
The Satellite Club Pilot will allow a Rotary club to conduct multiple club meetings during a week, each taking place at a different location, a different day and/or a different time.

Corporate Membership
The Corporate Membership Pilot will allow a corporation or company in the club’s area to become a member of the Rotary Club, through a club established membership approval process, and appoint a certain number of Designees as the individuals attending meetings, serving on projects, voting on club matters, serving as club officers and on club committees, etc.

Associate Membership
An Associate Membership Pilot will allow an individual to become associated and acquainted with a Rotary Club, its members, its programs and projects, and the expectations of club membership with the intent of becoming an active member within a designated period of time.

Innovation & Flexibility
This pilot project focuses on letting clubs self-determine their operations to fit better with their members’ and community needs.  Clubs will be authorized to make changes to the Standard Rotary Club Constitution and to their Rotary Club Bylaws in any area other than RI membership dues requirements.

I encourage all club presidents to consider participating in these pilot programs in an effort to ensure Rotary’s continued success and secure its future in a changing world.

Ed Futa
General Secretary, Rotary International