Rotary International News — 27 July 2010
Paul Harris, circa 1915. Rotary Images
In 1916, Rotary founder Paul Harris shared his thoughts about the organization in an article titled “The Future of Rotary,” published in The Rotarian.
Addressing the Rotary world, Harris concluded the short piece with wishes for the new year. As the 2010-11 Rotary year begins, consider his words:
I wish you all of the prosperity which your good deeds merit.
May all things you ought have be yours.
May your charities rank among your necessary expenditures.
May you not fall into the popular error of thinking that happiness is to be found in outdoing your neighbors.
May it always be yours to look beneath the veneer of life to the solid substance which lies beneath.
May you be builders, not mere climbers.
May you be able to appraise life’s blessings at their real worth.
May you be free to act in accordance with the dictates of your own conscience and good judgment.
May you not be slaves to meaningless customs, social or otherwise.
May you shun the groove followers.
May you have vision to discern the right and health, strength and will to do it.
That is to say, I wish you a happy New Year.