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MESSAGE from District Governor
RI District 3310 is proud to host the first Advanced RYLA (ARYLA) program outside of USA. This event is organized by youth for youth. While ARYLA is intended for youth who has previously experienced a RYLA, ours welcome first-time participants too.
In a regular RYLA, Rotarians do most of the work while participants enjoy and are guided in the programs. In ARYLA, however, the experienced RYLA participants organize, lead, and facilitate all sessions while Rotarians only act as mentors and resource persons.
ARYLA prepares today’s youth, aged 16 to 30, for tomorrow’s challenges. This is a community service project to equip today’s youth as tomorrow’s leaders. They learn hands-on interpersonal, communication, and leadership skills. ARYLA is designed to recreate the RYLA community of passion, motivation, and inspiration. Most importantly, ARYLA hopes to create in the participants a desire to live a life of “Service Above Self”, which is the motto of all Rotarians and summarizes what Rotary is all about.
I congratulate the Interact Club of ITE College East for taking up the challenge of organizing the ARYLA at ITE College East, Singapore on 19-21 March 2010 with the theme, “Evolution – The Next Step”.
ARYLA is an initiative of the District Vocational Service Committee led by CP Chew Ban Seng. The event is supported by Rotary E-Club of 3310 and Rotary Club of Johor Centennial.
Although our participants are drawn mainly from Singapore, Johor, and Malacca, I hope that ARYLA can be replicated in other parts of District 3310.
DG Datuk Hj Md Latip bin Sarrugi
Rotary Club of Kota Melaka
Click Here to view Advanced-RYLA Document